Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

It’s really not very hard to understand. When big amounts of supply comes in big numbers will be vaccinated.

Borris really has been saved by the initial rollout. Handling of covid up to that point was a disaster really for him and the brexit deal he got wasn’t much different to May’s. Optics look great for him saying look how slow Europe are etc. You right by autumn it won’t make a difference but he will bang that drum for years and be a part of his legacy

The U.K. are expecting a significant reduction in Pfizer doses in Q2. They will essentially be second doses afaik. I’d say they’re being conservative.

Moderna is not going to be material for them. Not sure if they have factored any J&J in there. They also have a shitload of Novavax ready to go once authorised.

It defies logic.

When big amounts arrive?

They lose ground on the EU every week. They have already scaled down what they promised in April so they talked up the May figure and when we get to May they will be scaling down the May figure and talking up the June figure etc.

And you’ll probably still be here defiantly ignoring the facts and precedent as the UK wrap up their rollout.

I’ll ask you again.

Do you really believe that 80% of adults will have their first dose by the end of June and 60% with their second dose?

The J&J vaccine is penned in for July and I think they are planning to give it to the youngsters/straddlers left over.

In order for 80% of the adult population vaccinated with the first shot by the end of June and 60% with the second shot - it would take roughly 5m shots I reckon.

So by the end of April they have projected 1.7-8m shots adminstered. They then plan to have 1.1m done in May which would bring us up to we’ll say 2.9m. That would leave 2.1m needed to be administered in the month of June. That’s over 500k a week. It’s not gonna happen. It will be September before they are likely to get to those in the u35 bracket I would say.

I suppose time will tell and we’ll see by summer and autumn who’s right.

Well that’s going by the govt projections. 860k in April and 1.1m in May means they will need a minimum of 2m doses in June to reach their targets.

The likelihood is that they will miss their target by millions.

Looks closer to more like 4.75m to me.

At the government projections of 3m by the end of May, 1.75 in June certainly looks like a tall order for them in 4.5 weeks.

Will we need to start vaccinating the nursing home residents again in July?

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I know you’re probably joking mate - that is on the way though.

The thing with the mRNA science apparently is, its a copy and paste type job to a degree to ward off these “variants”

There is an excellent podcast out over the last few days from an ex VP in Pzizer, Mike Yeadon, he goes through it quite well below. Was a good listen.

Mike Yeadon is an anti-vaxxer so an idiot basically. He was once a good scientist but has completely lost his marbles. What the absolute fuck is your comment on mRNA science trying to say?

Have a listen to it, he says he has always been pro vaccines - he reckons if you’re vulnerable take these mRNA jabs but if you’re not don’t.

He advised that they have come from a cancer treatment background and without proper trials should not be a mandatory public health measure rolled out to everyone for Sars Cov2,

I totally agree, he also argues against vaccine passports and calls out his distrust of Tony Blair for pushing these passports.

He goes down a few rabbit holes which I wouldnt agree with but its a good alternative listen all the same.

You must be quare proud to be British :uk::uk:

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Calm down Dan.


He’s a loon mate. His basic argument is that the vaccines can cause blood clots and kill people so don’t take the vaccine. Can you think of anything else that causes blood clots and has been killing people in the past year? Do you think there’s any link between the two? He blames the spike protein generated by the vaccine. Can you think of anything else that has the same spike protein? It’s not the spike protein causing blood clots, it’s our immune response, antibodies that people produce, and it’s far far more common in people infected with Covid than it is in people getting vaccinated.

He’s entitled to his opinion, he’s not not entitled to give advice to others based on complete nonsense.

The vaccines were properly tested, all went through phase 1 - 3 trials, the only difference is they were done in parallel, nothing wrong with that. Saying they weren’t tested properly is just more lies and disinformation.


John Bull has over 10 per cent fully vaccinated now. Absolutely powering ahead with the second dose.

Weren’t our idiots in charge blowing about the fact for a while there that we had more second doses per head of population given than the UK?


You’d be as well off relaxing for a bit