Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

You’re very worked up.

John Bull this, John Bull that, jaysus you’d be embarrassed for his people.

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Those percentages are for the entire population btw and not adult population. The percentage of the adult population vaccinated with at least 1 dose is about 17%

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If they didn’t take the weekend off they could have hit the million today and given themselves a nice auld headline

A million people vaccinated is a lot. If they all have 60-80% protection, we will (and already are) see the death rate tumble.

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Considering the bad start, we seem to be hurling with the wind after the water break

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What’s written on Egghead’s tactics board will make or break it from here.

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113586 Monday to Friday

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21.5m done in the US this week.

They are really turning the dial. That’s about double what the EU have done in the same timespan and they only have 3/4 of the EU population.


Shur you know what a shit show the whole European effort has been. The “we’re all in this together” malarkey went out the window when the Germans fucked off and ordered their own vaccines.


I’ve a feeling they’ll be going back over the people with AZ to give them Pfizer before we are finished

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Covid will end up saving humankind


It may very well do.

Let’s take a wait and see approach, pal… Remember a few years back we thought we’d killed off weeds but it turned out we merely made them resistant to weed killer?

That’s still in play here.

I reckon so. And it’ll be a lot of the people that actually need it most that have been done with the Astra Zeneca too.

Sure the at risk groupings have pretty much been given Pfizer and Moderna as AZ was not approved for the over 65s until lately. As far as I understand it has been rolled out to the FLHCWs.

Social media seems to be the best way for GPs get vaccines.

It’s got to the point where you’d be as well hanging around outside vaccine centres now to pick up a shot