Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

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Anyone have a sub?

Any GP worth his salt is ordering twice what he needs.

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@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy :face_with_monocle:

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April eh?

Army buddy of mine literally advised me to do just that

He’s not wrong

Yeah I’m not sure about that.

Leo said the AZ delivery arrived Wednesday night :expressionless:

Another clever play on words. They received the millionth along with another 100k over it. And a week later they’ll have 100k sitting in a warehouse. Plus whatever they have received since

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If it wasn’t for the analysis from @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy and myself he’d have the forum fooled with his comments.

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So we have currently got 1.187m and more will come this week, meanwhile the best paid man in public health is high fiving himself for having a million done next week.
While at least 200k will be sitting in a warehouse

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I reckon there’s about 126k Pfizer, 34.5k Moderna and 28k of AZ due in this week. So 188k ish altogether.


Let’s call it 300k sitting in a shed by the end of the week so. We will give them out as we receive them though. Good thing it’s not an emergency

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We’re ramping up though :crazy_face:

I’m hanging my hat on the idea that mass vaccination is actually easier than the fiddly shite

Has anyone actually asked why we aren’t going for a one dose roll out of at least the Pfizer until we hit the at risk groups?