Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

That doesn’t really stack up to me for the April figures.

So they are 1/3 of the way through the over 70s now. And in the next 4 weeks they expect that cohort the nbe finished along with all the over 55s and vulnerable groupings (in terms of first doses)? Doesn’t seem realistic.

I really cannot see the logic of the expectation that they will be in line with the British rollout. They are miles ahead and Ireland are way behind and that at present is only extending.

Roughly the same timelines as here.

Going by the CSO figures there are about 496k over 70s in the country.

For the remaining age cohorts then ( as per the vaccine schedule)


64 to 55 - 551k
54 to 45 - 674k
44 to 35 - 780k
34 to 25 - 616k

No figure on the 24-16 but the 24-15 is about 631k

Based on David Higgins graph above and the CSO data I reckon there’s about 8k of the over 80s left to vaccinate and 216k in the 70-79 age demographic.

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Which would be why this makes no sense.


You have 216k in the over 70s as you’ve said, 551k in the 55-64. Another maybe 200k in the 65-70 bracket? Another lot in the vulnerable grouping and that’s before you even consider how many second doses will be needed in April - we’ll say circa 200k.

You’d probably need around 1.4m vaccines administered in April to be hitting all the over 55s in the current scheme. 860k is the planned rollout figure for April.

The UK seem to be ringfencing the J&J vaccine as the finisher one that takes in the youngest groupings and stragglers which makes sense really.

I’d imagine something similar will be done here. It has the lowest efficacy so should be use on the least at risk groupings and the supply won’t really be coming into effect for it until late June so I’d hold off on that for the u35s.

They could give it to the teachers sure. Everyone’s a winner

The govt should tell the teachers. We’re giving ye the J&J the first week of Aug.

In fairness, I don’t think he is saying we only hit the million this week, he’s saying we will be administering the 1 millionth dose this week.

At this point you can’t

Becuase you get paid annually for all your GMS patients so the HSE know exactly how many patients are due to get it from you

Cohort 4 , 7 and 8 should reduce the number in Cohort 9 by a bit also.

By this graph, you could put a ball park 12% figure of the 55-69 already being done so that would only really reduce it by 70-80k. How much would duplication amount to in regards of at risk not done yet?


Is it mass vaccination centres from the under 70s onward? That booking system is only due to open the third week in April anyway!

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The poor Aussies are getting a rough time off it it from Jean Claude.

The Serbians giving their vaccines away to foreigners. A real propaganda coup for their PM who was propaganda minister under Milosevic

Not sure on the duplication. Don’t think the HSE will know either tbh :slight_smile:

According to this > Rollout of COVID-19 vaccines in Ireland -

Group 6 - Those aged 65 to 69 will get their vaccine at a MVC.

Monday to Saturday - 122448

So there is capacity for 80k vaccines per day if they had things running at optimum levels.

It would appear so. Some centres will have between 40-50 booths and some will be between 10 and 20.

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EU Projects Near-Virus Immunity by End-June, Beating Its Target

Most European Union member states will have sufficient Covid vaccine supplies to immunize the majority of people by the end of June, much earlier than the bloc’s official target, according to an internal memo seen by Bloomberg.

Germany, France, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands will be in a position to fully inoculate more than 55% of their total populations, projections in the document show. The EU wants to immunize 70% of adults by the end of the summer, which – depending on the demographics of each member state – corresponds to around 55-60% of total population.

The projections by the European Commission provide some hope that the EU’s vaccination campaign will improve after a disastrous start dominated by delays, mixed messages and political fighting. The commission expects deliveries of vaccines to increase to about 360 million doses this quarter from just over 100 million in the first three months of the year.

The document, dated April 1, details the exact number doses that will be available to each government by the end of June. While the overall picture is positive, some member states, including Croatia, Bulgaria, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Austria are projected to lag behind. Others, such as Denmark and Malta, will reach the immunity threshold much earlier.

Vaccine Divergence

EU member states won’t reach the immunity threshold at the same time.

The estimates seen by Bloomberg factor in an agreement last week to redistribute part of an accelerated batch of deliveries to countries where supplies are scarce.

The laggards did not draw the full allocation of the coronavirus vaccines they were entitled to under the EU’s purchase agreements with BioNTech SE and Pfizer Inc., as well as Moderna Inc., opting instead to focus on AstraZeneca Plc’s cheaper shot. With Astra deliveries behind schedule, these member states may face delays in the reopening of their economies, even after taking into account the mechanism agreed to help them catch up.

EU Commissioner Thierry Breton, who’s leading efforts to ramp up production, has said the bloc will have the capacity to deliver enough doses to reach collective immunity by July 14, provided the doses are injected. The date is symbolic, to coincide with Bastille Day in France.

Perfect timing for a revolution

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