Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

The 6.8% of 18-24 seems a bit high. Are there that many HCW of that age group?

That’s population as opposed to adults?

Possibly. A lot of part time carers in nursing homes etc.

The maybe 18-24 with underlying health conditions too.

7 day average of deaths has reduced from 20 4 weeks ago to 7 now. Now NPHET will tell you that’s in part due to these absurd restrictions but, seeing as the case numbers are essentially the same, it’s unlikely to be. If that trend continues (it should actually improve as more are jabbed), we will be seeing 1 or 2 deaths at most per day.

In a population of 5 million, 1 death a day from any medical condition is tiny


Yeah the graph outlines total population as opposed to adults which is what we’ve been using all along.

Smashing news. @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy will be outside the airport holding up signs protesting at anyone going on holidays and something about teachers, but the rest of us will be getting back to normal.

You believe that?

Didn’t they already promise we’d be way ahead of where we are.

The EU have actually gone backwards last week when it came to administering vaccines with a 2% drop.

It’s operating at about 1/3 of what the US and UK are currently hitting relative to their populations.

You are so naive.

We’ll see on Bastille Day mate.

Viva Europa :eu:

Lots of patients are non GMS though?

Over 70s?

Are they all GMS?

I thought so but maybe I am wrong

Back off mate, his wife is a nurse (he may have mentioned it once before)


I’m not sure either :man_shrugging:


267,930 doses of Pfizer delivered to Belgium yesterday.

Should mean that Ireland got 125k ish

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Now that the teachers are back in school and cant help with the vaccine roll out (cc @flattythehurdler ) I saw on my twitter timeline today someone calling for the GAA and clubs to be involved in the roll out as they run local events best.

I know my club just about handles a field day, I’m not sure how they’d cope with vaccinating a couple of thousand locals.


Great idea, you wouldn’t need a list of people who should be getting the vaccine, but by christ you’d have a list of those who won’t be getting it.


“While you’re here, have you your membership paid for the year and will you buy a few lotto tickets…”


Have you considered getting involved coaching at U7 level?

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Next weeks draw is for two doses of AZ

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