Vaccine Numbers Log Thread


@backinatracksuit , does Luke have any stats on the long term effects mate?

The full license for that vaccine is due out when exactly?

Another point to note, there doesnt seem to be the same protocal in terms of deaths 28 days after a positive PCR vs having the vaccine in the elderly.

Thats a bit odd in fairness.

Luke hasn’t put those stats together.

I don’t really follow the rest of your post, sorry.

No bother, pal.

Best to just vaccinate the at risk categories so.

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Same in America.

Better suited for a population that can be difficult to track down twice.

Genuine question, why are travellers being prioritised?

No idea but it’s great to see.

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Would we consider prioritising other poor unfortunates as well? Like, people from Longford?

I had thought it was because their immune system and biological make up made them more likely to be adversely effected by Covid than ‘settled’ people. Similar set up in Australia with aboriginal people too.

What causes their immune system and biological make up to be so vulnerable?

Don’t know pal. Unlike many on tfk I’m not an expert on biologic and evolution type matters. But I’d imagine their nomadic way of life wouldn’t be great for staying healthy.



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I’d say the fact that most of them live bet up on top of each other in trailers and the older people all die young anyway would make them more vulnerable to it too.

Monday to Thursday 78102 (74613 of these were Tuesday to Thursday)

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Looks like numbers will be less this week than last week. Some “ramp up”

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@Copper_pipe - did we have approximate cohort sizes? Do we know how many are in Cohort 4? Once they are done then we’re opening up to gen pop based on age, right?

So my 72 year old father who is living with a special needs person (who has been vaccinated) and a person who works with special needs children (also vaccinated) and has heart disease, kidney disease, COPD and diabetes has finally gotten a date next week for his first shot, how his GP deemed him in not vunerable category is beyond me but at least he is getting done now.


What’s the GP like in terms of organisation?

Once the emphasis is placed on them rolling it out then we are in trouble.