Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Only 3% of travellers make it to 65


A money grabbing cunt.


There’s your problem.

It should be run centrally.

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Are you sure on that?

Wtf. Surely not that low?

I wouldn’t disagree.

I’m all in favour of a centralised system but tbh I think we’d have as many cases of people who really need it being missed. Not everything is going to be documented centrally. The reality is that without the supply, you are gonna have mess ups.

I’m worried that the system will fall over when it goes live for mass vaccinations in a week or so.

Life expectancy of male travellers is about 61

Fair point.

I suppose a centralised system at least takes the unpredictability of the GP organisation out of the mix.

Also there is a central point on queries. There is nothing more infuriating than being passed from pillar to post by people covering themselves.

I think the GPs are largely proving themselves more reliable and organised than the central HSE system.

It’s not GPs who are double booking, messing up deliveries etc

The bank holiday knocked them back a bit.

The Monday-Thursday total for the previous week was 83900.

There are very good, good, poor and downright awful ones out there I am sure.

No idea on cohort sizes for those with underlying conditions. Can get the age cohorts using the CSO data but those already vaccinated (for having an underlying condition) will be included in that total…

These are the next groups to be vaccinated.

Sure - but I haven’t heard any stories of big issues with GP’s so far while I’ve heard loads about the HSE

BH and weekends shouldn’t by right mean a slow down. 7 days a week 7am to 11pm should be the plan. Are we in an emergency or not?

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So at the end of Q1 there were 1.187 million doses of vaccine in the country.

Pfizer - 737100
Moderna - 109200
AZ - 340800

Belgium have confirmed one delivery from each manufacturer since Monday.


Based on the above info and the population factors, I reckon Ireland got 125800 doses of Pfizer, 34500 doses of Moderna and 14420 doses of AZ. A total of 174720 doses.

So 1,187,100 + 174,120 = 1,361,820 doses into the country as of now.

The first delivery of the J&J vaccine is expected in Belgium some time next week so Ireland should get a delivery also. Belgium are still expecting 98400 doses of J&J in April which means Ireland’s forecast of 40,800 looks still on track.

Forget what I said yesterday regarding J&J. I trust the Belgium forecasts more than the Sweden forecasts tbh.

For the week beginning the 12th, I’m expecting another 125800 doses of Pfizer, 35k doses of AZ and around 14900 to 15500 doses of J&J. So the total should be around 175700 to 176300 ish…


GPs are doing most of the vaccinations right now and they typically aren’t vaccinating on weekends, hence the slowdown.

When the mass vaccinations centres start that’s when we should see them put up consistent numbers on a 7 day basis.

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Fair enough surely with the stock of vaccines we have now that the mass vaccination centres should start opening

Will be interesting to see if the figures increase for Saturday and Sunday seeing as supply was the previous reason given for the dramatic fall off over the weekend.