Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

The total for the week will be between 125k and 130k.

Its vaccination day at the GP in Drom. Cars being abandoned anywhere you can get a space near the GP and 2 lads out directing traffic.


Think that says 3pc of travellers are 65 or older not 3pc of them live to 65 though

Wouldn’t traveller family’s have gotten much bigger too? Back in the day there wasn’t as many kids. Now there seems to be 7 or 8 kids in each family.

Jeez I wouldnt be sure on that. They’ve remained big in relation to the general population definitely I suppose. Their life expectancy is way way lower than the rest of irish people but I just thought the stat @backinatracksuit posted seemed a bit off.

We are facing into two successive months with bank holidays. Hopefully that is factored into the predictions

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Macron is taking after Boris’s lead. Another win for the brits. Egghead could introduce this before the mass vaccinations we could have the fear numbers closer to nil earlier.

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Because they don’t need to I’d say becuase they aren’t sitting on supply

The gap between the AZ doses is 12 weeks.

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Yeah. From what I’ve seen with my family members the GPs are getting deliveries and then lashing them out over a day (or two).


27176 doses on Friday

Monday to Friday - 105533

Supply restrictions no excuse this week.

First jab done. In and out in 5 minutes. Was told not to drive for 15 minutes after but other than that just keep an eye on symptoms.


Be lucky to get to 130k/140k for the week so.

This 860k for the month looks to be a dead duck already.

Target for the week was between 125k and 130k.

180k done of the 860k up to COB on the 9th.

32,300 needed a day so for the rest of the month to reach the April target.

Chile have about 10.6 million doses of the Chinese vaccine (Sinovac) administered.

Would tally with a lot of noise about Chile having high case numbers and a high % vaccinated

They’re gonna start mixing vaccines over in China.

Sinopharm is supposed to be better. That’s the one the Hungarians are using