Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Talks on the news here tonight about needing three shots of the vaccines and two for the J&J.

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2nd generation vaccines are being worked on currently sure.

Israel Austria and Denmark have a deal done with Pfizer already for supply

If they get their way this will be a bi-annual shot for everyone, and those that don’t take the 2nd generation jab for example, well, they may forget about going into work etc

Forget air travel here, basic normal human rights that are at stake with these passports and on-going vaccinations.

Ah but shur its all about protecting lives they said.

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They can have bi annual shots etc. I’m all for vaccinations. I draw the line with forcing it on people directly or indirectly. People have the right to choose imho. Rightly or wrongly if they get sick its their own fault. Vaccination passports or other guises like travel bans or preventing someone from working (as purposed in nz) is deeply disturbing

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I think its on the way in relation to work. Its a real worry.

Incredibly worrying tbf indirectly forced vaccinations

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What vaccine(s) are Uruguay using? Similar sized country to Ireland on population. They look on course to have had 250k vaccines done this week. Over 1m vaccinations given in total and they only started their rollout in March.

Uruguay’s population is actually a good bit smaller. Only 3.46m.

Sinovac, Coronavac and Pfizer I think.


Any breakdown? Interesting to how much of the Chinese one they are using for us to compare

The gap with the north is still getting wider and the gov really expect us to believe we will be on a similar timeline?

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Auld lad (76) getting first jab on Tuesday. Auld wan (68) will be a bit behind but things moving at least :pray:


No exact figures but will be mainly Sinovac I’d say.

Sinovac and Coronavac are the same thing it turns out :upside_down_face:

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Around 14k doses of J&J arriving this week

cc @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy


The NIAC should be making a recommendation on the use of the AZ vaccine today. Depending on how severe the restriction is, it could significantly disrupt the vaccine rollout…


The govt will now have their next excuse for failing go hit their revised (downward) targets.


Fair enough we don’t have a stick to beat the hse and EU with. We’re around the same point so

Takes 9 weeks to be effective though, and still lower effectiveness than the Russian or Western ones.

I think 50% efficacy is the cutoff for a vaccine to be declared useful.