Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Both are cunts

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More fear.

I’d say he’s seething at that

He’s quite rattled to be fair. They’ll need Tones back soon to restore order.

He should not even be aware of the media he’s meant to be so busy.

Jesus if it was only 6 weeks I’d nearly take it. As was said from a long way out the Brits are going to put a lot of pressure on us to open up

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The media is starting to turn

I’d say there’s no chance of the pubs being open before September.

I’m not sure if these variants are different but remember last summer we were having days of single figure new cases because the weather obviously effected it. If we are having single figure case days this summer the pubs will be open in some capacity

This is a time for zen.

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Does anyone actually have faith in the ability to ramp it up?

They’re struggling to make any sort of impact over 30k daily yet.

They’re struggling to get any sort of high number done on the Sat-Mon.

The number of vaccines sitting in a fridge is now getting bigger with every week.

In June they look they will be receiving 250k Pfizer vaccines alone a week.

Up until now they’ve had the pressure off because the EU’s rollout has been shambolic and they used supply as the constraint. That excuse no longer washes. The EU saw a significant ramp up last week, Ireland didn’t.

They have until the end of April to turn this around. If they don’t they will find themselves near the bottom of the table in Europe and the public will have their knives sharpened.


NPHET are some band of spoofers

December 2020 …we need level 5 for just 6 more weeks

Nphet advised Government to bring in full six-week Level 5 lockdown |

The National Public Health Emergency Team (Nphet) has advised the Government to bring in a full Level 5 lockdown for a period of six weeks from St Stephen’s Day.Government sources told The Irish Times that the recommendation was sent by Nphet following its meeting on Wednesday.Th

February 12th

Just 6 more weeks is needed

NPHET expert says we are ‘six weeks away’ from cases dropping to 100 per day

Ireland is due to stay under a Level Five lockdown until at least March 5, although it is expected that this will be extended

March 29th …just 6 more weeks lads

Ireland expected to face ‘six more weeks of level 5’ as NPHET meet Ministers

IRELAND is to face six more weeks of Level 5 lockdown with some adaptions, it has been reported. NPHET are meeting to make recommendations to Government today in order to discuss the next steps in …


Problem is schools and stuff will keep numbers high.

Anyway the case numbers are load of bollocks but I’ve a feeling they’ll push for zero covid once the school exams are done for the three months of summer.

It’s a time for hostile aggression and make it known that failure will not be tolerated.

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You look after that so and I’ll keep an eye on the Belgium figures.


I see Belgium only got around half of what they had predicted from AZ last week.

No PINTS but loads of drugs.

The number of vaccines sitting in a fridge at the end of the week has grown from 144k two weeks ago to 298k at the start of this week.


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The lack of supplies was saving their bacon all along. They’ve been badly exposed in recent weeks.


No schools in the summer mate. Zero Covid is impossible and NPHET have said as much. It’s not ideal that these issues with vaccines are coming but the vulnerable will still be vaccinated by then and hospitalisations and numbers in ICU should be tiny