Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

It’s clear that it’s no coincidence this decisions was made the week that J&J supplies were cut by 90%.

If the US had 4m J&J vaccines to give out this week rather than 400k then they would not have paused the J&J vaccine.

She’s more articulate than most from reading the thread.

Yeah she’s an interesting follow.


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That 16.5% is surely not real?

That means one in every 6 who get Covid get a blood clot?

I’m calling bullshit on that.

No idea. If you get to ICU with Covid you’re likely to have blood clots.

Seems like bullshit to me.

Not many fit and healthy u40s end up in ICU with Covid.

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It’s all a cod at this stage.

Egghead on the news there saying a “logistical nightmare” is an understatement.

If you hand picked 3 or 4 posters off here and got them around a table they’d figure out the logistics in a couple of hours.

Realistically do they should have been planning for this sort of thing from the start. What will we do if x goes wrong or y is delayed etc etc.

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Think it’s like 82% efficacy with one dose if we went down that route…

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Should have done it weeks ago

Could be an interesting couple of months ahead. Good chance that they make such a shitshow of the rollout that they start rowing back on the numbers that “need” to be vaccinated before opening up as the rest of the EU open and we are at the back of the pack with the highest paid and most incompetent people running the show. The mental gymnastics should make for very entertaining viewing.


The most incompetent government in my lifetime you’d nearly pine for the last days in the bunker of Cowens rabble at this stage. Enda having the last laugh as he jaunts his away around the country on his rothar doing his hail fellow well met schtick.


This weekend will be breaking pint. Paddy will see John bull living life and having pints, why we enjoy our 26 open prisons, pintless existence not living

Dont be surprised if by this time next month, engerland is in another lockdown

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I’m not putting my money on anything. Giverments are pulling policies out of their holes. I do hope England prove that opening up was a success. Its rare I root for them

We’re singing for England

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