Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Seems like the Indo doing the govt’s spin job for them.

There would just have been about 120k AZ vaccines in stock on Sunday evening

I would have imagined this week would have had planned about

Pfizer 120k
AZ 40k
Moderna 20k

So realistically 140k should be what would be reasonable to expect this week.

It’s not a new system as such, it has been used for the healthcare workers. You’d imagine any problems have been ironed out at this stage.

For instance last week only had

Pfizer - 89k
AZ - 30k
Moderna - 8k

The target was 180k-190k

Yeah. Those figures there are hitting the 180k what I would have expected the breakdown to be.

If AZ vaccines are the only ones being pulled then it really should only impact this week by about 40k.

Are over 65s supposed to use this method or wait for word from their GP?

65-69s to book online but I think those with an underlying contact may get word from their GP.

I don’t think there would be anything to prevent someone with an underlying condition on the 65-69 bracket in booking a vaccine on the online system mind…

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Monday 10660


They are heading for a sub 100k week at this rate.

Does everyone in Ireland have an Eircode?


It works well in fairness. You can enter the Eircode into google maps. Handy for the likes of couriers.

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Ireland did about half of what the EU did (relative to population) on Monday.

And this was before they pulled the AZ vaccines. There’s going to be carnage at the end of the month as the govt will have to scramble on why their vaccine rollout is lagging way behind the rest of Europe.

I would think 95% of the populace couldn’t quote their Eircode address

Forklift capacity is near critical

I doubt if that’s true any more. Not since the terror of your man with the sick mother who could only tell the ambulance dispatcher that he lived in Kilmac.


Do you? I would think the opposite. You’d have to be an eejit not to these days

You would be very surprised . Ok not 95% but an awful lot don’t .

Ah most of them will have a younger relative doing this who would know.

Online shopping has been huge during this pandemic so any house with a female under 50 is going to know their Eircode.

Only elderly people surely? Anyone getting any kind of deliveries would need it

A lot of shopping online is done by a younger member of a household . I was surprised during a recent job . As you say a huge amount of over 60s wouldn’t have a jot .