Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

A huge amount of them can’t use a computer.

It will be a son/daughter/grandchild/nephew/niece or neighbour who probably have to anything online related for them anyway.

I see the tfk ageism crew are out in force this morning.


You can see “Flat Out” being his campaign slogan when he runs for party leader and/or President. He’s got such a big ego I wouldn’t be surprised if he attempted both

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Don’t take it personally pal. We believe that you are tech savvy.


Paddy looking for the problem.

Would you? Would you really.

Have they confirmed whether or not they will be going ahead full steam with AZ for the 60-69 year olds?

Is Curevac MRNA or one of them ones that kills you?

If “flat out” is missing every weekly target to date and having 4 days in a week where numbers are adequate, then we are in big fucking trouble if we are to be more than doubling our weekly total. Again, I have seen absolutely nothing to show that they will hit the initial estimations. I hope, genuinely hope, that I’m wrong and they will prove me wrong, but they have given absolutely nothing to inspire any confidence that they can do it.

As an aside, my aul lad got the first (Pfizer) dose yesterday. Doctor rang him up and said he had left overs and to get there for it if he wanted it. He had a pretty serious illness just before last Christmas so I would have thought he’d have had before now, but just relieved he has had it now.


We were pinting back in Cowens time. I’d take that.

My auntie got her vaccine finally on Monday night. Ambulance folk called to the house.


The Simpsons Beer GIF

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Pfizer are unreal

We better not talk about the deaths linked to Pfizer. Sweep sweep.

They announced they could deliver 10% more doses in the US by the end of May than what was previously agreed.

They had committed 300 million for the US by the end of July but should fulfil this 2 weeks early.

Ireland was forecast to get 2.128 million in Q2. A 10% increase would be a nice bump up.

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I had a look at the potential Pfizer 6 week plan.

At the minute there are currently a little over 400k people awaiting a second dose. I’d imagine no second dose of AZ has been given yet so I think we can estimated that 200k people need a second dose of Pfizer within the next 4 weeks.

At the minute (including the Pfizer shipment yday/this week). There’s probably about 200k Pfizer vaccines in storage.

The Pfizer shipments include about 1m more doses expected before the close of May. It’s roughly 6 weeks from the close of this week until the end of May so there certainly should be the capacity to vaccinate around 800k people with their first 1st dose from Pfizer before the end of May. Now all these people vaccinated with their first dose from say next week until the end of May should 90%+ be people in the u60 category if AZ is reserved for 60-69 category.

By end of May, they should be in a position to have

So ~800k 1st doses already given
Another 800k 1st doses from Pfizer 1st doses
400K 60-69s with the AZ 1st dose
And maybe another 50k with Moderna 1st dose

So it’s certainly feasible, despite all the setbacks to have 2m adults with their first dose by end of May. But I don’t believe they are capable of reaching that target.

President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen has said BioNTech/Pfizer will bring forward 50 million doses of its Covid-19 vaccine for the EU to Q2.

Pfizer, Pfizer, Pfizer

It’s been a remarkable achievement by AZ to get a vaccine for this created in a few months, through the approval process and ready to go in less than 9 months, and yet somehow look completely incompetent


What are we @Copper_pipe 1.3% or something?