Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

550k due to us based on that.

They wont be far off the 80% first dose figure thanks to the news from Pfizer.


We may as well bin off these AZ cunts altogether at this stage

And selling it at cost for no profit, but everyone hates them.


Do you work mate?

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And delivering way more than moderna. A classic case of why you should under promise and over deliver

If the HSE do their job then everyone over the age of 45 should have their first dose by the end of May or very close to nearly having it.

If they stop bolloxing with the Pfizer and extend the second jab they should have everyone at risk done in a few more weeks

They should have everyone as risk nearly done now.

The big question remains on what they are going to do with the AZ vaccines. Are they going to horse them into the 60-69s or not?

I’ll take 2 if they’re going.

They’ll have to, to have any hope of staying on track. Dose up the 60-69s and a second dose for everyone else, and then hope the supply comes through from elsewhere to plug the gap

The EU did 2.8m vaccines yesterday. That’s the Irish equivalent of 28k in the day.

Ireland did 10k yesterday. This is where Ireland are getting left behind.

We are good of a Wednesday though

Paddy is only sober on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Denmark have told AZ to gtf.

If we were brave here there’ll be a lot of unwanted AZ floating around soon

COTF (Cop on to fuck)


Hon Pfizer!! I’m going out to buy a box of viagra just as a token of my appreciation.

2.5m Pfizer vaccines alone before the end of June should be enough to give roughly 1.75m first doses and fully vaccinate another .75m by mid July you’d expect

If the other vaccines get the go ahead then supply certainly will not be the reason why targets aren’t met.

Going by the last offficial schedule released there should be 4.5m vaccines received by the end of June on top on the >1m vaccines received in Q1.

5.5m vaccines does with around ~500k one shot jabs leaves you with enough doses received to fully vaccinate 3m adults by the end of June.