Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Are the mass vaccination centres up and running yet?

I know one way in which they wouldn’t have to store it…

I’ll send that to the traders and report back.

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Majority are up and running but not to full capacity yet.

The suspension of Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 vaccine could delay efforts to vaccinate most people in the EU by over two months to December, a scientific information and analytics company Airfinity said.

"If the EU can’t use the J&J vaccine indefinitely it could push the timeline for vaccinating 75% of the population back into December," it said.


We need to halt all vaccinations now until these blood clots are gotten to the bottom of. Keep the lockdown rolling, a few more months won’t kill us.

I take it Boris is just ploughing on with AZ?

I take it from Israel, that Pfizer is as safe as safe can be?

Maybe they can store the E voting machines, unused PPE, 1 million pound printer and faulty ventilators in the mass vaccination centres and tie a ribbon around them.

Lash it out

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Not sure how good or bad this is?

They should still issue the AZ vaccines to the 60-69 grouping if there is no evidence to suggest it represents a risk. Give all the over 70s their second jab in the 4 week interval and everyone else goes for an 8 week lag.

Space out the 1st doses of Pfizer to get more 1st doses out.

I have been calling for 1 shot per person for months now.

How will George Lee manage to talk down the extra Pfizer supplies?

Its no good against the SAFFER

Professor Snape is on the case.

Czech Republic have put in a bid for the AZ vaccines that Denmark doesn’t want.


I’ve been calling for shots AND pints for everyone for months.

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