Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Everyone that takes the vaccine should be given a pint, to encourage take up and to be sound.

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Covid loves alcohol mate.

That’s great news and should be rammed down NPHET’s and the zero covid headbanger’s throats when they talk about restrictions for years.


The CEO of Pfizer is going to be made a Freeman of Dublin.

At this rate the Israelis will be back committing war crimes in no time.


Have we reached the point where the UK press are going to stop calling it the Oxford vaccine?

Even McDonkey recognises that the J & J vaccine will be operational in about a fortnight.

The J&J has been halted in the US for the same reason as the AZ (blood clots).

Would you sign a consent form @Batigol ?

Did they ever stop?

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I’m signin nathin

Like when you give blood

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Wonderful news about vaccines. Would you believe there were people screaming this time last year to OIUTF and let the virus rip as it’d be years before there’s be a vaccine.

3 occurrences of bloods clots following the use of the Moderna vaccine following 84.7 millions doses administered in the US.

Of the 6 cases of clotting related to the J&J vaccine, 3 of the cases were obese. 3 remain hospitalized, 2 of which in ICU. One person died.

Full details >

1 in 28 million. Totally unacceptable.

Would you believe there’s lads on here who think that Ireland hasn’t had a lockdown? Or that Ireland and New Zealand are the same because they are islands? Some lads talk awful nonsense alright mike.


We haven’t had a lockdown. We’ve had restrictions.

You’re an idiot at times mike.