Vaccine Numbers Log Thread


General anaesthetic is great when you wake up and it’s still in your system.

Can’t vaccinate against stupidity

He really hates his boss

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And there it is, April target won’t be hit. Difficulties with vaccine delivery aside it’s hard not to feel that it’s always “jam tomorrow”

Lovely weasel words from Donnelly in the article too shifting from 80% of adults being vaccinated by end of June to 80% being offered a vaccine by end June

It’s been like that for a while though.

The 80% figure is for first dose.

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What this man said.

80% first dose was always achievable if they spaced the doses. This should have been considered ages ago.

We don’t need 80% anyway. We need 20%. Now we’ve given a load of vaccines to people that didn’t need them. So we probably need to get to 30% or so. Basically they need to finish over 60s,and the vulnerable. Could have been done this month. Hopefully they can get a long way towards it


The AZ vials will be kept in different fridges for the time being.

Cc @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

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Could the GPs not give the AZ to the at risk people between 60 and 69?

Is the risk of Covid not greater than the risk from the vaccine

This is going to bring government down by June. They’ll have no more excuses by then

Why is there a correlation between the jab rollout and increased COVID–19 mortality in the UK?

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Lionel Messi has helped to obtain 50,000 Covid vaccines from China for an ambitious but controversial plan to inoculate all of South America’s football players before this summer’s Copa América tournament.

The deal with the Chinese pharmaceutical firm Sinovac was secured after Messi donated three autographed sweatshirts. “Sinovac’s directors manifested their admiration for Lionel Messi, who kindly sent us three shirts for them,” tweeted the Conmebol official Gonzalo Belloso.

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Vaccine allowing SA variant get a foothold ?

Lucky for him Tomas Ryan wasn’t in charge of those vaccines.

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Most of the deaths in the vaccine roll out portion of the graph would have been before the impact of the vaccine. Any significant impact of vaccination wouldn’t be seen until at least late February, given only 10% had been vaccinated (first dose) by mid January and it takes 2-3 weeks to build immunity. The number of deaths within 28 days of a positive test has been falling steadily since mid January, some of that is being past the peak, but the decline since then has to be vaccination if you compare to EU countries that are far behind the UK in % vaccinated.

My father in law is in this bracket and he is getti g AZ on Friday, unless the rules have changed again since last nt

MM trying to surprise the room but Leo stepped in ahead of him :joy:

However, the Taoiseach was suddenly called away from the room to take an urgent telephone call from Ms von der Leyen who informed him Pfizer had ramped up production and Ireland was now in line for 540,000 extra doses.

After the call Mr Martin returned to the room and told his ministers he had “some very good news” but he did not want to tell them in case it leaked.

However, Tánaiste Leo Varadkar interjected to tell him the news about the additional supply was already in the public domain and Mr Martin confirmed the vaccine boost to his Cabinet.

“The mood changed dramatically after that,” a minister said.


Who is going to bring it down?