Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

So can anyone register today or is it only 69 years who are actually able to register today?

To prevent a system crash 69 year olds can register from today.

When to register

If you are aged:

  • 69 – register on Thursday 15 April, or any time after
  • 68 – register on Friday 16 April, or any time after
  • 67 – register on Saturday 17 April, or any time after
  • 66 – register on Sunday 18 April, or any time after
  • 65 – register on Monday 19 April, or any time after
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I still think doing it on the basis of year of birth would have been a lot less confusing.

Do you think people will be confused by having to know their own age?

No I think they will be confused by the fact that someone could be 68 on the day it opens up to 69 year olds and 69 on the day it opens up to 68 year olds.

As you are a useless public servant I wouldn’t expect you to understand the complexities and engage in forward planning and contingencies.



So anyone registering on the online portal 60-69 gets the AZ jab.

Why would that be confusing? Appointments will still be given based on age, so you can apply for your appointment when your age is reached. I think that seems very simple and clear.

It’s not really anything to get too vexed about considering the other shite they are doing is it? You can still register the day after if you turn 69 on the day that it becomes open to 68 year olds

Because on the day it opens up to 69 year olds, a person could be 68.
And on the day it opens for 68 year olds, they could be 69.

It is confusing, your age changes during the year every year (unless you were born on the 29th Feb).

What doesn’t change is your year of birth and that is why it’s a much wiser option.

I’m just commenting that it’s another example of incompetence and confusing communication.

Year of birth is a far more clear and less confusing way of running this, of course it just shows the incompetence that runs riot in the public service.

It’s a marginally wiser option but I think this is the least of our worries


It’s a wiser option. It might be the least of our worries but the dimwits have had months to do it, probably spent millions on it and nobody had the foresight to consider that.

What % of eligible people will actually register via the portal?
I’d be thinking 75% would be a good return.

Not a bad return.

Should certainly help with the vaccine rollout and particularly avoiding any blockages with the AZ one.

9k in one hour suggests a good return. How many 69 year olds would there be in the country? 20-30k?

It’s a concept most people are familiar with, I trust Irish people to be able to manage this one.

Using the option that could leave to confusion

Or using the option that has ultimate clarity?

You can guess which option the Irish took.

What way did the Poles do it @balbec?

I’d be more concerned with why they only started registering people this week, a couple of days before they’re due to start vaccinating them. They could have been registering people of all ages for weeks/months now


It goes by birth year in descending order.


The in-laws (both 69) registered this morning.
The mother (68) registering tomorrow.
Father (76) got first jab of Pfizer on Tuesday.

I’ll be going down home soon :sunglasses::beers: