Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

It gets better with every read

I’ll have to create an NFT of it

Cc @Biff_Egan

No surprise to see the poles doing it much better. No wonder they are a much richer country than us and tens of thousands of irish people have had to emigrate there to work.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the phone call was one of Leo’s lackeys pretending to be Von Der Lying to set Martin up for the fall.


I’d say Leo can’t believe how easy it is to run rings around the Carkie.

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Don’t worry. I’m sure ye’ll get it right eventually.

Mick Martin is a stupid bastard.

I can only see Irish TDs as spitting imagine characters in my mind’s eye these days we’ve sunk so far into the absurd.

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Belgian figure was actually updated again for Wednesday this morning so has increased.

@Copper_pipe Will we come remotely close to 860,000 doses administered in April?

What’s your over/under prediction as of today?

As of 13th April. I think there has roughly been 230k vaccines administered.

So that means they have 630k to meet their target in 17 days - an avg of 37k per day.

Max they have hit on a single day is slightly over 30k.
Weekends won’t get past 15k generally and Mondays are sub 20k.
They have absolutely zero chance of getting it done.

So from the start of April until the close of last week there was around 200k done.
140k expected this week.
140-160k is next week’s forecast. (I’ll go 150k here)
I think they might hit 160k Mon-Fri the following week which brings you to the end of the month.

I’ll estimate they will hit 650k in the month of April.
35% lower than their initial target.
25 lower than their revised target.

Donnelly, Martin and Reid will all give themselves a massive pat on the back after about the great work they are doing.

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To keep pace with Europe, they will need to be hitting daily avg of 40-50k a week so will probably be needing to hit daily highs during the week of around 70k - I struggle to see that happening.

I’ll get back to you on that this evening/the weekend.

24509 done on Wednesday which brings the Monday to Wednesday total to 52949

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They’re not even going to hit 140k this week.

Are there any EU countries ploughing on with AZ with no restrictions?

The coverage of the vaccinations on TFK from @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy and @Copper_pipe has been the best in the country. No other news source comes close.


Belgium? Hungary?

Copper is the trusted news reporter fulvio is the firebrand opinion columnist.

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I see myself as more of a watchdog.

Holding shitty results and their owners to account.

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Can we all agree supply is no now longer the only issue? It’s no longer getting thrown out as fast as it’s coming in?