Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

400k sitting in a fridge would say supply is certainly not an issue.

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I’m going to speculate here that the EU are going to hit 19m vaccines administered this week. Around 3.5m more than last week.

The Irish weekly equivalent of that would be 209k pw.

I’m predicting huge, huge pressure to have built on govt by the end of month re the vaccine rollout.

Another 2 weeks of them lagging behind the avg European rate by 50% is surely going to eventually have opposition, the media (don’t hold your breath) and some backbenchers surely feeling to need to call into question those who are overseeing this.

They are using it here all the time

There was a guy on Morning Ireland this morning talking about vaccination centres and using language like “gradually getting them up to speed” in the “middle to end of next week” etc. Do they not realise that even talking like this, “abundance of caution” etc drives lots of people demented. It doesn’t come across as sensible, just as foot-dragging.

Why are the vaccination centres only now being brought up to speed?


I’ve had all this predicted for months now.

Of course forum simpleton @glasagusban has been doing the happy clappy thing of telling us they are doing a good job.

They were saying all vaccines are used within 4 days of receipt ?

If they were it’s complete bullshit.

Donnelly, Reid, Martin etc like to manipulate some metric each week to pretend they are doing a good job. It’s complete bullshit but we have a media so obsequious they dare not do some investigative work.

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You’d mobilise an army faster than we can setup a vaccination centre


My brother was telling me a yarn about a fella he knows who installs high end gazebos with electricity. The like you’d see at trade shows etc… HSE asked the guy to put up a dozen of them for vaccination work. It was a Wednesday, he said he could have them all up by Tuesday. To which he was told “Hold on there, we don’t want you to work the weekend”. That’s what my brother told me, give it a TNH if ye like.

Now we’re paying millions upon millions in PUP payments every single week until we get out of this. But there’s absolutely no urgency in anything we do to get things done quickly as proved by the vaccine numbers dipping for half a week and rising for half a week. Should we not be vaccinating every fucking second available?
I’m sorry that having your appointment at 4am on a Sunday morning is an inconvenience to you, so is the thousands of businesses we’re actively destroying, suck it up.
The on hand stock should be a virtual zero every hour of the day.

No, no, take the weekend off. No rush.

And the real crazy thing is doing this faster now absolutely has to simultaneously save lives of those at risk, save money and get the economy back up and running faster. It’s an absolute no brainer.

No rush.

BTW, kudos to the two boys @Copper_pipe and @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy for tracking these numbers so well. :clap:


Deirdre and Maureen on Facebook won’t like that.


Monday 10828
Tuesday 17806
Wednesday 24743
Thursday 33386

Total 86763

This just makes their hole scratching of a weekend and Mondays all the more frustrating.

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Is this a single day record? If so that’s the next news cycle sorted. Sweep the dismal start to the week under the carpet.

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Yep. Think the record before was 31k ish


The Egg is trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the people.

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The 34.5k includes upward revisions to previous days on the dashboard?


Thirty three thousand in a day is very good going in all fairness.

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