Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

They need a pat on the back and a rest after that.



The knife is being twister on Egghead.

Kite went up, kite shot down

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That’s good shooting

In fairness to Donnelly, if they want to take some power back from NPHET then they need to get the numbers down. Vaccinating the under 30s is the way to do that.


You can see the logic to it alright but you’re basically rewarding those who have breached the guidelines by vaccinating them first :sweat_smile:

I’d be vaccinating the under 30s before the 30-50 year olds. It’s fucking sensible.

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This shouldn’t be a discussion. It’s smoke and mirrors.

There are 4m more vaccines or so due in by the end of June, 400k currently sitting in a fridge. Why are people squabbling about who gets vaccinated first when the issue is the painfully slow rollout process?


Can I refer you to your earlier posts on @glasagusban’s vaccination?


To be fair to Egg there is some merit to what he’s proposing there. If you get the younger cohort done you’d free up the colleges to return to a degree of normality, for starters.

Something like what the Danes are doing looks a sensible solution. Once the over 50’s are done they are doing those aged 16 and 50 simultaneously, then 17 and 49 year olds simultaneously, then 18 and 48 year olds etc. Makes perfectly logical sense.

Donnelly’s problem is that he’s such damaged goods now - politically - pretty much anything he proposes will be shot down and ridiculed, even if it has merit.

Are you sure your figures are right are they not just projected off what we should be getting?

I was just pointing @glasagusban’s hypocrisy given he got up on his soapbox to vilify vaccines thieves and then stole one himself.

The issue here is that vaccines are not being administered quickly enough, not that vaccines should be give to one cohort not at risk over another not at risk cohort.

If the rollout run smooth then there should only be a 2/3 week lag between moving between 50s/40s/30s/20s. It’s a non-issue.

The real issue is why the number of vaccines sitting in a fridge is multiplying in multiples on a fortnightly basis.

Which figures do you refer to?

The number of vaccines in a fridge or the relative number of vaccines being administered on a weekly basis relative to other European countries?

They cited supply as the issue for weeks, supply is not the issue. Their lack of forward planning, contingencies and organisation clearly is.

Pfizer are also giving Canada an extra few million before June too.

I’d say it has a lot to do with them having pretty much fulfilled what they have had to give to the US and now freeing them up to increase supplies elsewhere.

The UK must be kicking themselves for not putting a bigger order in with Pfizer.

Have the UK stalled somewhat?

A little bit but still hitting about 3m a week which would be the equivalent of Ireland hitting 210k

What was I vindicated on now pal?

The fridge one

If there genuinely is that many in a fridge is anyone calling them out on it, media or opposition etc?

The figures are right.

They’ve been consistent all along.