Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

First vaccine for 65-69s to be scheduled from tomorrow

The first appointments for those aged between 65 and 69 for the AstraZeneca vaccine will be scheduled from tomorrow.

So far over 80,900 people have registered with the Health Service Executive portal to receive a Covid-19 vaccination.

22,615 registrations were completed yesterday from people aged 67 years old, while from today people who are 66 can register to get a vaccine.

Appointments can be made through the HSE website or by calling the HSE on [1850 24 1850](tel:1850 24 1850).

The aim is to have those aged between 60 and 69 vaccinated with the first dose by the end of May.

Overall, 26 vaccination centres will open across the country by the end of next week.

HSE Chief Executive Paul Reid said the vaccination programme is reaching an ‘‘exciting phase’’.

Hospitalisations are stable and there have been no new admissions to ICU in the last 24 hours.

420 new cases of Covid-19 were reported yesterday.

The five-day average for new cases is 386, a slight increase in recent days.

Wow. How completely unambitious


That’s a disappointing timeline once again. Why should it take 6 weeks to do it?

They’ll be vaccinated using AZ and supplies aren’t as good as Pfizer I guess.

They’d need to have every other at risk category done at the same time. All over 50s and all at risk

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Probably close to 150k AZ sitting in a fridge at present.

They should be done way sooner than this.

66/67/68/69 should all be able to done this week with available supplies.

Good few 2nd doses due soon I’d imagine.

Last week they said 250 people had got a second dose of AZ. That’s 242k ish waiting on a second dose.

At the 28 of Feb, around 67k AZ vaccines were issued. So by the 23rd of May only 67k AZ second doses would be due. They currently have 120-150k AZ vaccines in circulation with weekly supplies topping that up.

Those are very worrying soundbites. They could easily have every person 66-69 who registers on the portal done next week in terms of supply. Supply isn’t the issue, incompetence is.

Looking at the AZ vaccines.

For argument sake. We will say there are 150k AZ vaccines in storage at present.

242k doses are given with only 250 second doses. So we will say 242k second doses are due by 4th July.

AZ vaccines started sometime on the week beginning 8th February.

So I’ve done this little table which compiles how many AZ vaccines would need to be held over on a given week for second doses. They aren’t actually required to hold any over until the week ending the 9th May which is a full 3 weeks away.


Basically anything AZ have in stock now should be able to be utilised this instant.

Even if Ireland receive just 300k AZ vaccines from now until the end of June, they will still have enough vaccines to vaccinate every 60-69 with their first dose and also administer everyone who got a first dose up to this point with a second dose.

Before I answer that question, please outline all possible risks associated with the experimental biological jabs. Informed consent is still a thing, right? I am not basing my decision on a single variable. Age, underlying health issues, medical history, etc. are all factors in deciding whether or not I should be an active and voluntary participant in a clinical trial of an experimental biological. Trying to force someone to make a decision based on a single variable that we simply don’t know enough about (but which is concerning enough that the experimental jabs are being pulled/put on hold) is careless of consequences and downright dangerous.

Based on this tweet from Paul Reid yesterday, I’d expect a figure of around 35k for Friday.

After Thursday the total was 1,155,599

Israel powering ahead

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No transition weeks over there

Monday 10831
Tuesday 17836
Wednesdat 19747
Thursday 33500
Friday 32451

Total 114365

Stephen Donnelly just said on Newstalk that the 18-30s will not be vaccinated before the 30-50s

A kite flying exercise. They need to stop changing it and just fucking do it at this stage


They’re out to get him.

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Maybe the Deputy CMO reports to Egghead, who can overrule him. In theory :laughing:

They will be done here by the end of April. Something I don’t understand. Proportionately Poland and Ireland have given out about the same number of shots. But the health workers, teachers and the uniforms have been done here and the 60 group are being done at the moment. Are there more old people in Ireland?

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