Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Won’t the mass vaccination centres be running properly 7 days a week


Are they starting today? They’ll have to start hitting massive numbers fast

M-I-L was into the one in the Radisson today. Said it ran very efficiently. Mother off to the Abbey Court in Naynagh tomorrow.

Both 69?

Mother is 68. F-I-L (69) registered on phone Thursday and there was some mix up (as the M-I-L found out after three calls yesterday) so he’s going in this Friday. Her S-I-L (68) also got call up for tomorrow at the Radisson.

Good stuff. A quick calc would suggest there are circa 250k people in 65-69 category. A shot of which have been done already. Theyd want to be getting them all done in the next two weeks if we are going anywhere

ah its already Wednesday, no point starting mid week. Best of leave it til next week to start ramping things up, no rush.

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Better to wait until after the May Bank Holiday really.

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At least they could get a clear run at it then.

Take a well deserved break then for the June Bank Holiday

Both my parents, the missus’s mother and an uncle are getting done today.

Fingers crossed they’re finally ramping up


2.5k booked in for the City West each day between now and Sunday.

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Be interesting to see the no show %.

You’d imagine not too high. You’d have only got an appointment if you registered last week on the portal

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Rookie numbers.

A huge kick in the teeth to everyone waiting 14 months to get back rocking and rolling.


There won’t won’t be a ramp left to go up by the time they’re finished.

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Cc @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

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cc @Copper_pipe

Lovely so they can keep using the 95% administered figure because there’s an indeterminate buffer required.
It’s top class jiggery pokery in fairness

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