Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

If they handed it to Pfizer altogether we’d be done in 4 weeks

I’ve updated my Tinder bio to say I’m working for Pfizer. A great move.


Jaysus if they hadn’t sold to those Nestle cunts the whole of Askeaton would have been sorted

860k was the target for April - what’s your educated guess on what they’ll actually get through? Will they hit even 700k…?

They keep throwing out the “95% of vaccines are in arms within a week of arriving” which is swallowed gleefully by fuckwits like George Lee, Gavan Reilly and Ciara Phelan. Zero critical analysis of this ponderous rollout or the repeated pathetic efforts on weekends and Mondays.

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So basicially their is loads of astrazeneca in the fridges?

Up to Monday night April 19th, the total was 354027. They target for this week was 140-160k. We’ll go with 150k less Monday’s total so they should be about 495k ish by Sunday night.

That leaves you with 5 days left in the month (Mon-Fri). I went with 685k as a prediction a few days ago but I was being a little too ambitious on second look . Depending on how next Monday goes for them I’d say they’ll get to 600k and maybe 620k max.

They stopped using Astrazeneca for a few days. The pause didn’t help but its not the only reason they’ll miss a monthly target by over 200k.

We’d be fucked without Pfizer


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What you make of this thread? @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

Not much.

I will let my associate have a word.

He didn’t hold back.

FG TDs will be queuing up for vaccines now.

Unreal. Chasing people who have been protected from going in an ambulance

I’m delighted… That kind of work ethic will keep the pubs closed for another few months.

The UK rollout seems to be ramping up again. I’d say they could soon be hitting close to 4m again this week.

Can’t wait till we ramp up

Poor @glasagusban was on about Ireland closing the gap on the North and UK in the coming weeks. The gap has been widening on a daily basis for about 4 months straight with no sign of it closing.


I think we could be looking at the HSE missing a target here

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Monday 8345
Tuesday 20010

Total 28355