Vaccine Numbers Log Thread


If they get 25k over the weekend which would be high by their standards, it means they still need 36k on avg for Wed, Thurs or Fri to ramp to hit the 160k target.

Ramping it up is proving to be a major obstacle and it’s got nothing to do with supply.

Sure its grand they’ll just revise the target again

Remember guys 95% of all vaccines are used within 7 days except for a number, which is undefined, which are being held back


Storage will be the next issue. Mark my words.

More lies.

More lies from you.

You have parroted government line at every opportunity and being proven wrong.


That’s also more lies.

It would be interesting to have an actual discussion with someone with a different viewpoint. There are enough points of difference to have interesting debates. But instead you have to lie about what I actually said.

Why do you need to lie so much?

We won’t ramp up til Donnelly walks the plank

The more you vaccinate the more you have to hold back. Genius!

The only person lying here is you.

You have parroted and supported every excuse and commitment from government re their vaccine rollout.

You are a dishonest character and a vaccine thief.

At it’s worst that strategy would mean that you only vaccinate the first jab at half speed.

Of course it could also mean that you vaccinate the second jab for quicker but in reality there’s no chance of that.

The media have been very strong in asking the difficult questions and ascertaining accountability with regard to this.



they just parrot the numbers without any sort of interrogation such as how long are those people in ICU, how many vaccines in a fridge, how many people have died exclusively from covid?

“Journalism” really is a despicable profession. Bottomfeeders who will sell their soul for a few quid.


we dont have journos in ireland, just presstitutes

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whats your thoughts now on how the government/HSE are faring? Do you have as much confidence as you did 6 or 8 weeks ago? I have to say, I’m not at all surprised. I never had any faith in them that they could just flick a switch and things would get better. They showed nothing early on that it was going to be possible to ramp it up and with their constant massaging of figures just showed how devious they have been in trying to show they are working flat out. Flat being the optimum word in that.

I haven’t checked in a while how we are doing compared to the rest of Europe, I suspect we are slightly behind but not massively.

The pauses and fuss about various vaccines and what they can be used for must be genuinely difficult to manage. What NIAC say about J&J will probably have an impact on whether they can still meet targets.

In general, I still maintain we will be at or near targets soon. I also think that there will be loads of problems, but if we are hitting a million a month or morebover the next two months we will wipe out the small losses pretty quickly.

I maintain that in the next two months we will be there or thereabouts, and I also still think it is going to transform where we are really quickly. We are nearly there.

When is the ramp up coming?

No sign of it yet.

Proportionately the EU avg is doing 37% more a week than Ireland currently are with no Irish ramp up in sight.

I love the contrast between the way George Lee talks about vaccines being in ‘Cold Storage’ compared to the TFK way of describing them being ‘sitting in a fridge’.

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