Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

we are talking the HSE and DOH here, they have fuck all in the bank here regarding their ability to not fuck something up. as you know, past performance is the best indicator of future behaviour

That is true. I think they are a shit show. But this will be a “don’t let the perfect be the enemy big the good” type operation. I expect there’ll be loads of problems but if they still manage to hit big numbers those won’t really matter.

id agree with that approach if it was based on openness and transparency. but, as we know, figures are already being massages and numbers being provided without context. then there’s the weekends off shite

I see its the “next 2 months” now.

Yeah they’re a joke, everything around D/Health is toxic. But it won’t matter if they hit a million a month and I think it’s more likely that they will.

You should get onto Twitter and tell yer man Gavin Sheridan he’s wrong to claim there aren’t a load of vaccines in the fridge. Thus is your chance to blow the whole thing open

On what basis will they hit 1m a month. They were due to hit 1m a month, they will be struggling to meet 60% of that target. As much as they like to harp on about it, supply is not the issue.

Was it not supposed to be somewhere close to a million this month? 840k I have in my head for some reason? May be wrong. And then one million plus from May onwards?

Lots of issues have affected the last while but it looks like there’s should be steady conditions with supply and hopefully no new safety concerns causing pauses from hereon in.

The 840k was the revised target, which they still won’t hit

For fairly obvious reasons, right?

Was a million.

Then 860k.

Now very likely they won’t hit 860k.

They set targets.

Revise them downward.

Miss the revise target and cite supply as a constraint when they have enough vaccines in fridges to more than meet their initial target.

Journalists accept this without challenge.

The lack of supply? They’ve a few hundred thousand sitting there

I’ll start with I don’t think we’ve done a very good job.

But there is context.

The target was revised down because supply was not going to meet the target. That makes sense. The supply was out of our control. I don’t see why people go on about it.

The programme has been further interrupted by safety concerns and pauses relating to two of the vaccines. So it’s not unexpected they would fail to meet the target.

How far off the target are they?

In any event, if they hit a million or more per month from here on in, it will wipe out all the losses very quickly. I expect they will do it. I also expect it will have a transformative effect and we won’t know ourselves in about two months time with how different things are, people will be having pints and going on there holidays. It’s not too far off now.

Everyone else in the EU has had the exact same issues


21st out of those 33. So barely even in the middle of the pack anymore


again, I’d love to have your optimism. I just dont see anything they’ve done to date that would tell me things are going to change. comparing them to Europe, we had brilliant stats in January and February about this. Weekly updates, we are near top of the table. Do you see any correlation as to why we arent seeing those tables any more and that there is no discussion anymore as to why we dont see those tables?

For reference:

we are now showing as being 21st of 33. Hardly anything to crow about anymore.

A few other points though. Comparison to Europe whilst in one way good, in another way not so. We should be stating how many vaccines we are issuing as percentage of our supply. Based on numbers to hand, it looks maybe at about 66%? The others on here following closely will be better placed to judge.

Constantly revising down targets and setting really low bars is pathetic.

Writing off Mondays, Saturdays and Sundays as down days is a complete shambles.

The pause of the AZ should have no bearing, it stopped 30,000 one week, it then took us two weeks to do those 30,000.

We were told a million would be done this month. Based on available vaccines, it looks like this target was achievable. It looks like we’ll be closer to 60% of this initial target. Setting up vaccine centres but then not starting them on a Monday, why? Still talking now, more than 5 months later, about the setting up issues and having to get things operational.

its been a shambles. I completely get that supply is an issue, but supply is not what the problem is right now. And again, if things improve, credit where it will be due, but I’ve zero confidence in this process.

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The supply is there to do a million vaccines a month. It was revised down citing supply, then they are going to miss the revised target by 30%. I am going to estimate by the 30th April, there will be close to 500k vaccines in a fridge as they miss their target of 860k by over 200k. Now can you explain how that is a supply problem.

And they have limited the use of the AZ vaccine to 60-69 year olds. They currently have 145k of it sitting in a fridge, they are not due to start second doses if they are using a 12 week gap until the w/e 9th May. Yet they are saying it will take them until the end of May to finish the 60-69 cohort with their first shot. What gives here?

If. You could promise a lot of things with if. The bottom line is they are not delivering, they are not coming anywhere close to delivering and they are spinning every failure as some sort of external factor when it should be within their capabilities.

I see foreign travel has been ruled out for May and June already. You still hopeful of getting away this summer. Is that why you poached a vaccine?

We are basically 200k vaccinations behind Austria per head of population. Which is more or less the stock sitting in the fridge allowing for some to be kept back.
I get what Glas is saying that can be made up etc. But that’s 200k people who could be vaccinated now. Who are in the at risk category. Every week of a delay is costing us literally billions in economic damage and pup payments

What’s the rush?


Don’t think this was posted

You wouldn’t say that if you saw my hair