Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

You’re deluded if you think they can reach that target in 10 and a bit weeks.

They need to have well over 4m doses given by the end of June to meet that target.

By the end of the week they will have probably in the region of 1.37m doses give so they then need to give about 3m doses in about 10 and a bit weeks. An avg of over 300k a week. They haven’t even show a capability of doing half that yet and you genuinely expect them to do an avg of double what they done so far for the next 10 weeks.

Just think about the practicality of it.

Imagine the HSE had forward planning.

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Practically, with reliable supply it is much easier to vaccinate big numbers of people than small numbers. That seems obvious to me.

We have already lost some time and if the J&J decision doesn’t allow over 50s it pretty much fucks things. A lost week waiting for the decision too.

The J&J decision will largely decide how far off the target we are in the end.

Too true.

I think we’ve seen an inflection point in the last couple of weeks with Europe ramping up delivery levels. We haven’t kept pace (where we were previously). A decent amount of that is down to AZ - not the delivery of it, just how we’ve put our own interpretation on its usage from the start. The question seems to be can we move up the gears quite quickly.

To be absolutely clear though - the J&J decision is entirely in our control in both the timing and the consequences (as was the AZ one).

The AZ interpretation has an impact, the J&J one will have a bigger impact. The number of times the plan has to be adjusted and recalibrated based is ridiculous.

Phase 1 of the vaccine rollout largely leaned on the hospitals to vaccinate their own staff and other healthcare workers

Phase 2 largely leaned on the GP network

Phase 3, just beginning, relies on mass vaccination centres. As you say, in some ways this should be easier. No sorting out lists, just get people to register by age and turn up. It’s entirely doable to get to the numbers they aspire to.

Yes it is. I think the decision should be a pragmatic one. But lots of other countries have decided over 60 for J&J so you can’t categorically say that would be wrong either.

The adult population is circa 3.8m.

80% of the adult population is 3.04m

So 3.04m first doses needed for the target to be hit.

60% of the adult population is 2.28m
Depending on the J&J that figures could be lowered to 1.74m if all J&J are utilised - that’s a pie in the sky scenario really.

So you are looking at 4.78-5.32m vaccines needed to be administered to hit targets.

It’s not going to happen, it’s not going to even come close to happening. It will be rolling well into September/October in all likelihood.

Absolutely. I don’t get why people don’t understand this.

That is almost completely within the control of the Irish public health authorities though.

Again, it is. But we can’t say they’re wrong if they decide 60 plus.

but you could say its wrong; the death rate for vaccines vs covid indicates that rolling out the vaccine is the way to go, if youre worried abot litigation get people to sign a waiver and after 15 months of project fear on RTE theyll gladly sign it.

theyre not coming through on the other days of the week either :smiley:

Reading through this thread is like watching the greatest hiding ever being dished out in a boxing ring. It’s an awful battering.

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy will you at least use your weaker hand and hold off on the haymakers?

Why not? The EMA who are the most competent authority have said lash it out to everyone. If the NIAC disagree we can definitely say they are wrong

Yeah perhaps you’re right there too. The thing is we wouldn’t be on our own in deciding on 60+.

Look I’ve no issue if they want to procced with caution, that’s fine. But then it’s not an emergency and I want a pint

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sure NIAC were over ruled on AZ by tony back in feb. theyre stone cold useless