Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

That seems a bit of a hole in the plan in fairness.

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My dad is 67, registered last Friday, getting vacine tomorrow. That seems pretty good going, just over a week wait


A week wait after several months of delays. Godspeed to Padjo senior regardless.

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The US make up a fifth of that.

India and China in addition to that probably have 50% of vaccines done. The problem is India and China are countries with populations >1bn so it’s not really that much of an acceleration.

There’s a few countries who have done very well with their vaccine programmes - USA, UK, Uruguay and Israel. The rest have been poor.

The EU now has the supplies so there will now be countries who will pull ahead and those who will fall behind.


Just an update on this:

That’s up to Thursday’s figures.

I think that’s a fairly disappointing return on the 60-69s so far during the week. They would hopefully have doubled that by the end of the week.

35 no-shows at the primary clare vaccination centre so far today. These are appointments booked by people themselves

Good to hear.

They’re better off enjoying the sun outside.

April total up to Thursday 22nd - 451705 doses administered.

About 70% of these were first doses (315977).

I think my 1.55m will be beaten. :pray:

Careful now. We are soon going into Sat-Mon territory where the needle barely moves.

About 30k a day needed over 8 days. Very doable, it’s an uptick on this week but not by much. Going by the weekend numbers booked into the mass vaccination centres, I think they can do it.

Signing in. Got the first Pfizer shot there at the Centrum Medyczne about an hour ago. In and out in about ten minutes.


What’s the uptake like with the Poles over there?

I work with a couple of Polish chaps and they’ve refused point blank to ever take a vaccine.

My man in Russia tells me they can’t give it away. Basically anyone who wants one can rock up and get one now such is the lack of demand and they’ve only like 10% done or something

I think a lot of the older folks are suspicious of it. Some priests are saying that the vaccines are made from aborted babies. Poles are hypochondriacs though. I’d expect that the threat of a vaccine passport will encourage many but I know a few who said „no way”

Russians are hard as. They will battle this with their immunity. The Western World will have savage bad immunity systems in the years to come.

Will they do 50k Sat-Monday?

1,187,100 doses of vaccine delivered into the County up to the end of March/Week 13. Confirmed by the Department of Health and the ECDC reports.


The ECDC report for Ireland has 2 deliveries down for Week 15 but aren’t logged in the Department for Health figures for Week 15. These obviously missed the Friday cut off for when the data was gathered and should appear in the Week 16 figures (week ending tomorrow 24th)

These are 34800 doses of Moderna and 36000 doses of AZ. Which brings the total to 1,559,310 doses delivered.

Now on to the actual week 16 (Week beginning the 19th) deliveries based on the Belgium figures.

269100 doses of Pfizer is about 138k is recent deliveries are to go by.
45600 doses of Moderna is about 19570 doses for Ireland.
For Astrazeneca, the Department of Health have confirmed it’ll be a small delivery of about 9000. Belgium are expecting their delivery tomorrow and Ireland may be Monday.

So 1,559,310 + 45600 + 138000 + 9000 would mean roughly 1,751,910 doses of vaccine in the country by tomorrow/Monday.

In week beginning April 26, Belgium are expecting 898320 doses of vaccine.

For Ireland, I’m expecting it to be 203,400 doses of Pfizer. 22660 doses of Moderna, 165840 doses of AZ and 26780 doses of J&J. Which is a total of 418680 doses.

The supplies are coming.

cc @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

EDIT: I used a 1.95 factor for Pfizer as Ireland has been getting more than expected in the fast few weeks. The factor all along was 2.13. So the Pfizer delivery could be anywhere between 186200 and 203400…


Choo Choo.