Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

How far are they off the 860k target with 170k this week?

Should be about 519k for April so far assuming they got to 170k for the week.

Monday to Friday left in the month.

Could they do 40k x 5?

Need to be hitting 200k per week from here and not dropping below that for the summer.

No chance for a Monday

Reid said on Thursday, it’ll definitely be more than 150k for the coming week.

Will depend on how soon the J&J is approved in the week.

The RAMP UP, when it comes, will be incredible

BTW there’s no vaccination centre open in Wicklow yet. Donnelly and Harris’s constituency :smiley:

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Around 400k doses due in over the next week. It’s not far away now.

Talking to Mrs Brady’s friend yesterday in the park , among a group of 8, while having a beer and surrounded by 100s of like minded people doing the same… Anyway, her mother, a nurse for 25 years, applied to administer the vaccine… She’s about 60 and retired about 5 years ago and applied to help rather than the 13.50 an hour they are offering… ANYWAY… Her 25 years nursing and indeed her registered nurses number were fuck all good to her… They wanted her leaving cert results first and foremost…

What a fucking country.

@gilgamboa @Tassotti


How are Philip Nolan’s modelling predictions holding up, anyone know?
Is he anyway accurate or miles out.


My nephew is a junior doctor and they wanted his junior cert results.


The pencil pushing civil service and it’s red tape… Wankers.

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I dont want some cowboy (or cow-person cc @glasagusban ) who failed art giving me a vaccine.

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They’re Too eager for work looking for such granular details …

Yeah was reading about that. A saw a lad who was a recently retired consultant was asked for the same :joy::joy:

Could all these people not just put their leaving cert results on the application form instead of making a song and dance about it.

Do you have your leaving cert results to hand? Most people don’t, you need to apply for a copy of them then.

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They contracted out the hiring for this is my understanding. Fuckin private sector bozos.

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