Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Better than Eurovision.

I’d say the fact that we have a generally obedient population who do what theyre told will stand to us in the long run when it comes to this table.

25599 for Saturday

Monday to Saturday 170757

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To their credit they have had a very strong second half to the week.

46k is quite small though for the 60-69s considering there are 417k of them.

They should be more or less all on 2nd doses now for the over 70s minus a few stragglers so they really should be opening up the portals to register the next cohort who will be jabbed with Moderna/Pfizer. So they have about 200k of those to give over the next 3 weeks probably.

Am I right in saying the 60-69 grouping are currently the only group being done in the mass vacc centres?

We need more (all) honours students dishing out the vaccine … these ordinary level leaving cert achievers are too slow and not meeting their targets.

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If they are hitting 180k last week then they should be now hitting 200k this week. 300k sitting in a fridge with big deliveries expected.

I’m happy to report that the vaccine numbers sitting in a fridge this week have slightly reduced.

Probably a decent overlap with cohort 4

Possibly but we were told that the portal had 90k bookings after two days of the portal being open (which I think was the Thurs 15th) and well over a week later just 47k of them were done.

It looks like the next three weeks will be the 60-69 getting done, second doses for the over 70s and the at risk 16-59s getting done. After that they should be able to power through the other age categories.

From what I am seeing online, people are getting their appointments quickly (week to 10 days of registering) so I would have thought there would be higher numbers alright. There is no excuse for not horsing all AZ out as they come in due to the dosing gap and restrictions on use.

Have the US resumed J&J yet?

520293 for April (up to Saturday)

There’s a huge order of AZ due this week so hopefully that might be the reason for the delay though I reckon they probably still have around 100k in stock at close of business Sunday.

670k the likely ballpark figure for April I’d say.

1m ceiling for first doses finally broken. Sunday doses in the 5 figures.

Here comes the summer :pint:

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she didn’t have her leaving cert


They started using it here last Friday. A mate’s wife got it. No adverse effects bar her being more sour than usual.


26 April 2021
AstraZeneca regrets the European Commission’s decision to take legal action over the supply of COVID-19 vaccines.

Following an unprecedented year of scientific discovery, very complex negotiations, and manufacturing challenges, our company is about to deliver almost 50m doses to European countries by the end of April, in line with our forecast. AstraZeneca has fully complied with the Advance Purchase Agreement with the European Commission and will strongly defend itself in court. We believe any litigation is without merit and we welcome this opportunity to resolve this dispute as soon as possible.

We appreciate the work done by political leaders and healthcare professionals across the Member States that has made the rollout of vaccination campaigns in Europe possible, and we are committed to helping as much as we can. Vaccines are difficult to manufacture, as evidenced by the supply challenges several companies are facing in Europe and around the world. We are making progress addressing the technical challenges and our output is improving, but the production cycle of a vaccine is very long which means these improvements take time to result in increased finished vaccine doses.

Much work is ahead of us in the EU and elsewhere, as we continue to deal with the terrible pandemic and the roll out of vaccination programmes. AstraZeneca has an important role to play, and our intent remains to do that fairly and equitably at no profit during the pandemic in the EU and around the world.

The EU has supported the COVAX facility for equitable distribution of vaccines to low-and middle-income countries. AstraZeneca is currently the leading supplier to more than 100 countries through COVAX providing 97% of its supply to date. Each dose has been made with vaccine serum originating from outside the EU.

We look forward to working constructively with the EU Commission to vaccinate as many people as possible. Many thousands of our employees working around the clock have been driven by a passion to help the world at no profit; they remain firmly committed to delivering our vaccine to the people of Europe and around the world.

If they have around 600k of Pfizer to come in over the next 3 weeks then who are they going to be jabbing with it is the question I’d have. I would say no more than 200-300k would be needed for second jabs over the next three weeks.

Surely the portal should be opening for the 50-59s this week and they can get going on it shortly and probably should be starting at some point next week?