Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

It’s over lads, it’s done. We’re there. Open it up to fuck.

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Its on

NIAC expected to recommend J&J for certain age groups

Updated / Monday, 26 Apr 2021 18:24

The National Immunisation Advisory Committee (NIAC) is expected to recommend the use of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine for those aged 50 and older in Ireland.

However, it could also be used for younger people if there is no option of another vaccine, and for those who live in hard to reach communities.

Government was this evening expecting a recommendation from NIAC regarding the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

NIAC met over the weekend and again this morning as they finalised their recommendations to the Chief Medical Officer.

A nice convenient roadblock so they can come up with more excuses for not reaching targets.


So they can start horsing the Pfizer out to the under 50s shortly?

You’d assume so.

This is going to drag this out further though as they can just say the at risk groups aren’t done.

Give them a fortnight at least to set themselves

Hmm. The J&J for the 50s should be grand really.

Going by this there is slightly over 600k in the 50-59 grouping. We’ll say 550k still have to get it after those who are compromised or healthcare workers/vaccine thieves.


540k J&J will arrive by the end of June so they should nearly all be vaccinated by then.

They will need to start running different age groups concurrently now. The portal should be open next week for the 50-59s and I think they should be able to start doing them by the middle of May when they might have 50-60k J&J ready to go with it.

It’s grand if you had the supply all lined up for each cohort. They will hold off now for 50 somethings until the end of June and it is a ready made excuse to continue restrictions.

They shouldn’t have to though.

40k J&J vaccines should be due in the country by the end of the month. A further 132k in May. So they should be well able to get the 50s started mid May and be doing a steady 20k a week or so up until the big deliveries arrive in June. 1st or 2nd week of July should have every single over 50 fully vaccinated and probably a good chunk of those in their 40s and 30s with at least one jab.

That would be if it was properly planned and structured though.

As you said they will likely use it to excuse a failing but that’s not a valid excuse.

It is important when tied to restrictions. The over 50s being done leads no scope to explain away restrictions on the likes of hospitality.

All over 50s should have had their first dose by the start of June going by deliveries. They won’t now and they will use it as an excuse to keep things shut.

The only positive is that we have already done about 80k over 50s so it’s only 430k to go. That means a lot of wasted jabs unless they can really target certain groupings like travellers with it.

Great excuse to give the middle aged curtain twichers while the 18-30 yos get bumped up the queue. Clever politicking there. Must be Leo hes the only one with half a brain

Surely 50s and others gives them enough scope with it?

You’ve said there 430k over 50s yet to get a first dose, so presumably it covers off all of them, then all the hard to get to people.

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Yes but it doesn’t cover them until late June now.

The over 50-59s probably get fully vaccinated quicker in this regard. Obviously the 60-69s is now going to take time.

Just run the age groups concurrently on supply. J&J for 50-59s, AZ for 60-69s, Pfizer/Moderna for the rest and get them out as soon as they come in on the order of the most at risk. That should be the strategy from here

Seems straightforward enough. No reason is can’t be done.

I can’t see it really being an issue in delaying things though the govt may like to fall back on it if they fail in their targets.

The end of the week was the first encouraging signs since they started the vaccine rollout. They now need to follow up on that and hit 200k minimum this week. If they can do that and supplies clearly no longer being a problem then things will move.

Don’t forget the antibodies. Just because you’re vaccinated doesn’t mean you’re immune. Add at least another month to the opening up dates.

Are you agreeing with me on vaccines mate? 63C54123-1EDE-45A3-90C7-E4713BDFE8E7

In some ways yes and in some ways no.

They have the capability to reach targets but do they have the ambition to. This was the first week that gives any sort of confidence in the potential but I still expect them to fail to hit their June targets by a decent amount.