Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Fully vaccinated is not the point.

One dose significantly reduces the likelihood of severe infection, leading to hospitalisation and death. Once the over 50s have one dose, the risk to our health service is tiny- particularly given the targeted jabbing of under 50s with underlying conditions.

Dragging this out is almost certainly deliberate by NIAC, tied to the ideas of NPHET to keep things locked up until July at the earliest.

If the Govt are serious about reopening society and actually protecting the health service, the 80% target should be revised down. Go down as low as 70% and continue to use Pfizer and Moderna on over 50s so they gain a level of protection quicker.

Recruiting vaccinators is becoming the big issue. Repost.

Can you tell me how it drags things out? Will we not now get through all the over 50s faster is the balance of them are going to get J&J?

Because we are going to wait to do over 50s until J&J arrives in.

A significant number of those deliveries do not arrive until late June.

Mark seems a bit behind the time.

They are doing 1000 a day in St Guys vaccine center number 2 they told me on Saturday, they have 2 of them going flat every day, I was in and out in about 14 minutes

What difference does that make, surely you start doing over 40s while you wait?

Because as I explained, the primary drivers of hospitalisations are the over 50s.

Once the over 50s and those with serious comorbidities are done, you have a tiny statistical risk facing your hospital system.

The reopening of things like gyms and outdoor dining were imo timed to coincide with those people having one jab.

IMO we should proceed at a similar pacing to right now, if that means a lower % have their first dose by the end of June and we are giving away J&J, so be it. I would rather have 90% of over 50s with one jab and just 60% on one jab than 75% and 70% done total.


What kind of numbers have we in the 50-60 age bracket? What if we held J&J for them and pressed on with over 60s?

According to the ECDC report from last week about 97k in the 50 to 59 age group have got at least a first dose already.

So about 500k left.

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About 600k but a good few of these would have been done in other cohorts.

510k. We have about 80k of them with one dose already.

Already we will have excess doses of J&J by the end of June that will be worthless, except of course how we reach groups like travellers. In fairness though, I don’t think they will be necessarily thrown away, as NIAC say other age groups can take it if there is no other availability. But by July we will be flooded with vaccines, particularly when Curevac is here. So the argument will be harder to make by late June when the big batch of J&J arrived.

It isn’t a disastrous decision but when you look at timelines and how NPHET will play this, it could scupper plans. We can see from the U.K. already how just having one dose transforms the situation once the over 50s are given one.

From ECDC data


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Oh sorry I misunderstood the numbers. So we have 510k still to get one. Ugh.

The Popes children still the biggest demographic in Ireland

So we’re grand? Hopefully they will have the sense to offer J&J to people if they’re going to have it leftover, risk a blood clot but you’re fully done with one shot. I’d go for it.

I would too and I’m planning on getting it in the States. I would guess the option won’t be there for most here though given the glut in other supply to come.

@dodgy_keeper just reading a poll there about vaccination rates (no pun intended). 30% of Poles say that they won’t register to be vaccinated.

Last minute as usual. They knew the vaccines will be ramping up in April since November.
