Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Hahaha!!! What the absolute fuck??? Stem cell conflated into the mix?

They say that holy water protects the priests so there is no need to restrict church attendance.

And is church going still permitted there so?

One thing that struck me when I visited Poland was the amount of young priests around. It was like going back 50 years ago in Ireland.

Karol getting the big gig must have had an effect on young people, like Italia 90 did for football in this country.

Quite simply, votes.

Ostensibly because they’re progressing solely based on age because science.

Donnelly flew a kite about vaccinating younger people first but was shot down.

They’ll have to make a decision now on starting to 49s and below on when to start vaccinating them.

If they use AZ and J&J is for the over 50s, do they drive on with the 49s (using Pfizer and Moderna) and below but it’ll be June before the over 50s are done using AZ and J&J.

The upside is that if that those of the Over 50s who get the J&J will be fully vaccinated…


cc @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

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What’s the story with AZ and J&J before the end of June?

AZ: 1m (how many are received, administered and still to be delivered incl timelines?)

J&J 600k (40k received by the end of the week, none administered and 560k to come, with 400k of these in June)

Approx. 1m, 50 somethings and 60 somethings with probably 800k still to get their first shot.

I really don’t like the idea of delaying 50 somethings just so we use up J&J stock.

Do we need to do cohorts in parallel now?
49 down getting the real vaccines
50 - 59 getting the ok one
60 + getting the dodgy one

Big time. The priests even put on an accent to sound like him. All the Bishop Casey type stories are coming out now though.

340800 delivered to the end of March and a further 813k expected for Q2. They’ll make the 224k commitment for April with the 165k due in this week. So that’s 224k+340800 = 564800 doses of AZ in the country to the end of April. As of Sunday they’ve used 302k.

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Michael Harding, ex priest and general alright sort and interesting guy, is severely critical of Pope John Paul II and says that he actually destroyed any forward thinking in the Church at that time and set the Institution back years. Harding left because of him.

The big question now is whether it makes sense to get the over 50s done as quickly as possible by giving them Pfizer Moderna AZ & J&J (whatever is going basically) and leave yourself short with Pfizer & Moderna for the younger cohorts while having AZ and J&J vaccines you can’t use. My opinion would be that it makes absolute sense to do that, even it fucks up the end a bit.
Because 1. the vulnerable need to be done as fast as possible so we can get on with life, the rest can wait and 2. Pfizer & moderna supplies will be pouring in by June anyway. 3. I think these upper age limits will move down as we go along and the hysteria subsides.

They didn’t hit the million…

The HSE dashboard not updated yet.

The above figures include upward revisions for previous days.

Comparing the total doses after Sunday to the Sunday of the previous week, there is an increase of 192809

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Hmm. Just going by the headline numbers, I think we will have to push the over 50s until mid to late June with those deliveries if the rough 800k I have in my head is correct.

IMO we should still use some Pfizer and Moderna on them so they get their first doses sooner.

Egghead is some lad for the laptop bag, but I reckon it’s just full of old newspapers and sandwiches.


J&J deliveries to be half the expected amount for April.

Loads More Tears.

40k were expected in April. 14k of which has been received so presumably just 6k more to be received this week?