Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

So a minimum target of 170k this week?

Should be hitting 200k really though.

Unless he means Monday to Friday? Friday is the last day of the month,



That has the total at 532601 with Monday to Friday left.

Not far off given all the disruption. Should be able to ouch on now and hit the milluns in the coming months.

Oh yes.

Was 170k achieved Mon-Fri last week?


One dose needed if you’ve had the Covid and are under 50.

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Very unambitious again. Should surely be aiming for 40k minimum a day now, they know they can hit those numbers comfortably and have opened up some more centres this week. Even on a 5 day week 200k sure be the low end target.
They’ll need to be doing double that shortly

Now we are motoring. If Muhammed (HSE) can’t go to the vaccination mountain. Then we’ll change the mountain into a hill



Two very different things. One a wake effort to get to the bar, the other a dropping of the bar.

Will you be able to self diagnose as having had covid? I had it in February last year before it was cool

George Lee will be on the news tonight to tell us that the vaccination program is still going gangbusters.


I’d say you’d have to produce the text where you were notified as a positive.

Thats easily sorted @Copper_pipe could whip one of them up in 5 minutes

The lads sending the fake AIB messages will surely sort us out.

About 163k of the 247k case to date have been in those aged between 15 and 54. No number for 18 to 50

What figure does this entail?

A good lot of them were probably healthcare workers who might already have the two doses,

Nevermind, I see above now.

Not really a huge gamechanger all the same.

Is Contracted Covid same as a PCR positive test for Covid?

And fellas on here lambasted my OIUTF and go for heard immunity approach for last 12 months. We did hard work over Christmas with 5k positives a day. Limerick should almost be sorted now?

I will thank the LIDTF crew for their inspiration during my Nobel Prize winning speech. Medicine preferably but ill settle with peace. Not a hope ill get literacy.

Your belief in heard immunity excludes you