Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

EU voting on it today I think.

I can’t see the logic though in opening up free travel if the country is still widely locked down or restricted.

If variants are such a huge concern then why would they be allowing them to be imported and exported freely.

Foreign travel is probably the last thing that should be on the list. I’m not saying when it should or should not return but it should definitely be after we have got businesses reopened, people being able to visit loved ones without restriction, those on the PUP back at work etc, etc and not before then.

We know you can’t. Never mind.

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You’ve made a good counter argument there.

Can we just agree that you keep angling for foreign travel to be opened up on purely selfish reasons, given you’re a big advocate of lockdowns?

I’m not interested in making a counter argument and you the repeating the same response at me over and over again for the rest of the day.

The EU, Ireland included (however grudgingly), has agreed that restarting travel is important and that the digital green certificate is a means to help that. End.

The Parliament, yeah. It’s already agreed between EU countries. I expect it will proceed because if it doesn’t then some countries will proceed with their own versions, there’ll be different systems and it will be rife for abuse and chaos. In the end that’s the reason countries like Ireland that were initially against the scheme are now in favour.

Southern European countries are going to be accepting tourists without restrictions from May or June. That’s the reality and it’s better to make travel safe than pretend to ban it, so I expect the DGC will be available sooner rather than later.

Because there is no logical counter argument to make. It’s that simple.

When businesses have to remain shut, people remain out of work, others can’t go to funerals and hold weddings etc, etc. It makes little sense that you can be importing hundreds of thousands of people in and out of the country when variants are their biggest concern.

It’s just completely contradictory. The only logical conclusion is that your angling is just purely on selfish grounds.

I’m not angling anything, it’s an EU decision that Ireland has signed up to.

Go take it up with your MEP if you’ve an issue with it and stop bothering me.

You won’t of course, you’d prefer to mouth off all day on the internet than actually do anything.

As it is irrelevant because the variants will get in anyway.

You’ve had a platform to put forward a coherent argument here but instead you have wasted a serious posts about getting defensive and catty. If you can’t put forward a case to support your view then we will just settle that your primary motivation is selfishness.

I would imagine this was linked with your choice to steal a vaccine also.

I don’t know about that. I think the best way to stop Covid is closing borders. It’s about containment. It’s what should have been done Feb/Mar 20 but it wasn’t.

My view is whenever open travel returns is irrelevant, the priority simply has to be getting domestic society and the economy back on track before we worry about people going on holidays.

People being able to visit loved ones
Go to funerals and weddings
Getting people back at work
Getting business reopened

All trump foreign holidays.

This isn’t my view. It’s a decision of the EU, including the Irish government.

I’ve merely pointed out what has been decided. You seem to be confusing a decision of the government’s of Europe with my view.

Bit of a ridiculous mistake to make.

You are pretending they are mutually exclusive, that’s a nonsense.

Travel is not just foreign holidays for one.

Secondly, all EMA approved vaccines work against VOCs to the degree we need them to. We will be close to herd immunity by July. VOCs were more a way to get the MHQ dream going for Zero Covid lunatics than anything else.

You seem to want to keep the borders closed for a phantom risk. What you are essentially saying then is that the hundreds of thousands of people born abroad, including 20% of Dubliners, will be cut off from home in perpetuity. That will have knock impacts to the wider economy. Specifically, 250k jobs are in aviation or tourism, that’s 250k breadwinners. The “5m locked up” argument is used regularly by those who want a moral justification for their actions, but when you look at it seriously, the majority of this country will be severely damaged by cutting ourselves off.

For closed borders, we will need to shut the border with Northern Ireland, which is interesting for you, particularly when as mentioned- this is a phantom risk.


You’ve been angling for foreign travel to open up from the get go.

The difference is I’d suspect many EU countries will have things well opened up by July.

Foreign travel should be relative to level of societal reopening, it should not be implemented until the domestic society has seen some sort of normality resume.

Hes a few gigs to go to.

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I see J&J are expected to be just 26k and not 40k for this month.

Have to agree with Fluvio here. If variants are as serious as they are saying then surely people should not be going on holidays.

Monday 18369

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June 31st I’m hearing.


1.55m looking good.