Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

From arming pricks to pricking arms, unreal


Should be around 2.1m received by the end of the week?


Pfizer (192k)
AZ (165k?)
Moderna (20k?)


A small delivery of J&J due too.

The ECDC has it higher, presumably with the AZ included.


Yeah there was 9000 odd of AZ last week/Monday of this week.

Any word on when the portal for the 50s will be opened?

Should be shortly you’d suspect.

I’m hearing that the anti-vaxxers are booking slots here then not turning up! There are some sad cunts out there.


Plenty of cases in point on TFK.


Moderna are like that forgotten aunt or uncle you see very seldom, at the odd family wedding or funeral.

AstraZeneca copping a lot of flak while Moderna are getting off scot free.

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They are getting off light alright. I think the main difference is they didn’t promise any more than what they’ve delivered. Hopefully start coming in bulk when the US is finished up

What is the fridge capacity for storing vaccines in the country has anyone asked? And how long do the vaccines last in these fridges?

Moderna are generally fulfilling their agreement. They met their Q1 orders.

Martin confirmed 450k a week target for mid June. Big commitment.

We could do 300k next week handy but I’d say they’ll hold some back.

1.45m after Tuesday

cc @Tim_Riggins

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What to do with the 50 to 59 year olds…

More work on transitions than a Pep Guardiola team

I see now they are recommending pregnant women get the vaccine between weeks 14-34…

Has there been enough studies done to recommend this? Seems a bit much.

The Tuesday figure is up from 21k last week so things are getting going alright it seems.

June is going to be off the chain.

Everyday is bigger than the previous one. Getting there. :+1:

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