Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

32k given on Wed so.

I’d keep pubs closed til vaccinations done. Lads will be missing their slots sick from the drink.

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So the 80% of adults with 1st dose and 55% of adults with second dose by June is not going to happen now.

I will bring forward my resignation from this forum to the end of the year if they hit 6m doses by the end of July.

No antibodies no party.

Say they hit 1.6m by Sunday.

It leaves them needing to avg around 300k a week from next week to the end of June.

Then they need we’ll an avg of 400k pw in July.

Does any one really believe they can meet this target (apart from @glasagusban)?

I’d say they’ll beat that May target.

You’re going to look rather foolish very soon.

Sorry, rather more foolish.

Why are you so adamant that pregnant women get the vaccine when there’s very little studies done on it?

Am I?

Nearly 5 months to do do 1.5m.

And 4.5m in the next 3 months?

I was expecting the figure for this week to be higher.

I don’t think anyone should get the vaccine that doesn’t want to.


You still have absolutely no idea how this works. It doesn’t go in a straight line.

They have missed nearly every target they have set so far.

You’re dreadfully naive. I have offered to bring forward my resignation if they don’t hit the 6m target by July. Do you have any conviction in your enthusiasm that they will.

Have you thought up of a new name for when you rejoin after quitting the forum after losing a bet, yet again, yet?


It’s been happening next week since March


@Copper_pipe have you crunched the numbers on second doses of AZ due to be administered in May? With the stretching to 16 weeks, I’d have assumed none.

My understanding was there were c. 400k over 60s and maybe another 30k over 70s waiting for their first dose as of last Friday. With another say 100k of that cohort done this week, we would have 330k left as of this Friday.

262k of AZ on hand at the start of this week plus a 165k delivery less the 100k above suggests over 327k in the fridge by Friday end. A further 262k due in May. Plus 40k J&J on hand and their further 132k due in May. There should be over 761k available to administer in May and given what’s on hand at the end of April even, there should be enough to get the over 60s done!

Ah so you’re all hot air and don’t actually have any conviction in your words.

That makes you look foolish. I’ve been proven right so far. You’ve just shown yourself to a bit of a harmless fella who is easily deceived and doesn’t question anything, a bit of an eejit.

@glasagusban falling for it every time.

Harmless chap.

Says the fella who’s broken his word every time he committed to leave the forum and lost.

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