Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

This is a great idea. Setting up tents for mass vaccination in the main square over the long weekend. Plan is to distribute 2500 J&J shots. Just turn up, no appointment needed.

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My mother and father both got the call today for their vaccine, registered with same adress and eircode etc. Called to 2 different centres on Saturday about 50 miles apart :thinking:


July, everyone is nearly vacinnated, are we back to normal then?

We’re never getting back to normal.

That’s the problem.

Can we get them to give Smalling another yellow?


Ould lad finally got the call getting :syringe: tomorrow


My mother got the call for next week. My MIL who is a few years older no sign. The wicklow crowd are seething with Donnelly. Youd think he’d have his own area up and running


The vaccines materialising now like All-Ireland final tickets on the Friday night before the final.


Spare a thought for the mental health of George Lee.


GPs finding alsorts of vunerable people of all ages to vaccinate suddenly.

Pal of mine is getting it tomorrow. Got a call to say on vulnerable list.

I know of someone with depression who is young who is getting it. Obviously not denying the seriousness of depression and they do suffer from it quite badly, but its hardly a potential co morbidity.
Know of someone else in their 70s on dialysis 3 times a week and only just got a date after plaguing their GP.

It seems a fairly random process. As I said my mother is getting one now by age, but she should have got it ages ago as she has health problems and GP had her on the list but never got to her

The mother got hers today. Half way there at least


GPs probably get a certain amount and have to tick a box.

A mid 30s lad who works with us is off to get it tomorrow. He has asthma.

He should lash another few countries on the MHQ list to make up for those lost votes.

What underlying conditions get you to cohort 7?

A true FF man would have made sure his own constituency was sorted out fairly sharpish.


My daughter’s friend has OCD (apparently) and has been given a vaccine date.