Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

If the inglish league has supporters in the stadiums at the start of the new season and its all fine then they will have to.

Would the GAA delay it a month or so if they thought they would get their hands on the gate receipts from opening the stadium


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The mother got the Pfizer one yesterday. Tired and slight headache but no other side effects. Saying that the 5G coverage around her is top notch. Bill Gates is a genius



An increase of 40801

Need just over 22k for yesterday to hit to 1.55m cc @Tim_Riggins

Total for April with 1 more day to be added - 662364

I should have stuck with my original prediction for April…


Picnic and the Ploughing incoming!!!

Lash em out


get it into as soon as you can

An increase of 44935 after Friday.

Total for April 707319


Whats the breakdown of the first 2 weeks of April to the last 2 weeks?

We finished very strongly after a slow start

Just 153k short of their target.

About 290k done between the 1st and 15th.

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The ramp up is on :heart_eyes::heart_eyes: 250k a week in may is doable. With 70-80k a week being second doses roughly?

195k second doses in April.

The total for the current week Monday to Friday is about 174k.

They’ll get between 220k and 240k in the week starting tomorrow.

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They will blast through the May target imo.

930k to get in 31 days which is just 30k on average.

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Is 1m not the target for May? Have they revised it down again?

I thought it was now to get to 2.5m?

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Got the Astra Zeneca there.


Ilof course they will. I’ve only been telling ye this for months now.