Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Thats not permanent. Statistically speaking it would be temporary.

End of January. 100k a week. We’ll be watching the 2004 Munster final in the pub by October

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That’s a big increase if true.

Between Pfizer, Moderna, AZ and J&J. we’ll surely be getting close to 500k doses per week by March?

BioNTech also said it has added a new manufacturing site in Marburg, Germany, which is set to go online in February and will boost annual production capacity by up to 750 million doses.

The vaccine is currently being produced at BioNTech’s headquarters in Mainz, Germany, a location in Belgium, and at several factories in the US.

It’s all about the Marburg plant lads

Not bad going in fairness

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From a supply chain perspective where is most of the worlds supply of vaccine coming from?

Belgium, Germany and the US for Pfizer anyway

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57,481 up to Sunday and 77,303 up to Wednesday - so we’re running at roughly 6,600 a day.

I wouldn’t call it blistering.

We need to hijack some vaccines.

We’re only getting into our stride. It’s a marathon not a sprint.

A lot done, a lot more to do.

Lads want it done NOW!

This is how the vaccination data is presented here daily.
370000 vaccinations done
1 million doses received
560k stored in the warehouse for the second shot
521k doses sent to distribution points
909 wasted doses
64 adverse reactions

The plan is to vaccinate 3 million by the end of March.



Ours is something like this.


Get the satellite photos out for progress on our new production facilities at Margurg and the Baxter boys on the North Rhine as well.

We will be flooded with vaccines by March.

The “worry index” is flying

Jack Lambert putting the boot in again today.

Up Jack.

If your mental health is tied to what rte or any news outlet reports I’d suggest you speak with someone.

That’s not directly for you, but in general

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no, its just life in general. I dont watch Claire Byrne or any of the topical shows and rarely watch the news. But still need to keep in the loop on current affairs anyway. Its hard not to notice the negativity, which is expected in a pandemic, but when things start to have a positive outlook, its up to those reporting and media in general to report positivity. They wont though, because negative stories sell better.


But sure they’re meeting their targets and you’re looking for negatives there.

People go out of their way to be unhappy

You’re in control of how you feel, you aren’t in control of vaccinations