Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

With a further 262k due in.

I’m sure they’ll well be underway by the June bank holiday

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Around 225k AZ due in the month of May I reckon according to @Copper_pipe Belgian schedule.

The issues is that ~30k of those are due probably the weekend after next so won’t be operational this week or next and the remaining balance which is slightly under 200k is not due in until the following weekend or the weekend after that.

You are really only likely to see the remaining AZ stock boosted by 30k for the month of May which will make that cohort more difficult. The ~200k balance that is due in May will only really be utilised in June.

I expect AZ’s interval will be reduced so the majority of over 60s are fully vaxxed by mid July.

From what CP posted before.

The over 50s will probably get 150k of the May AZ and maybe 100k of J&J- 40-50k are being used on the traveller population and drug addicts AFAIK. Balance from +/- on the AZ plus Pfizer/Moderna.

Most of the June AZ deliveries will be held for second doses I reckon.

The 50 something won’t find it easy to predict what they’ll get and it’ll be slow at first.

You’d assume so but I think you’re probably unlikely to get all the 60-69s getting their first dose until mid June. The J&J will probably be required to make a big dent in the 50-59s. If J&J can meet their commitments by the end of June (around 540k) then I think the 50-59s should probably start slowly get the ball rolling from late May and should be wrapped up by early July - most of them with the one shot jab.

You’re really better starting out at the 40-49s at the same time as the 50s as it looks like there will be lots of Pfizer and Moderna available in about 3 weeks time.

The over 50s will start within 2 weeks.

With what though? They probably won’t have the over 60s done if they are drawing exclusively from AZ. Second doses are now needed and they only really have 30k to come in this month on top of what they have.

With whatever is available.

The HSE have been explicit. People will not be registered for longer than 2 weeks.

We have well over 50% over 60s done. Again we won’t get to 100% automatically, there will be stragglers for a variety of reasons.

I expect it will be slow for them at first given supply, but they are running out of Cohort 1-8, it couldn’t be clearer.

So are we then going to have a load of AZ and J&J vaccines which are then useless come July with the majority of under 40s to be done?

They are down to 60 year olds in Limerick.
Also seems the MVC was going full belt in Limerick yesterday too.

That depends. The HSE seem to be pushing to use them anyway. NIAC’s advice may also change.

There isn’t a hope in hell 50 somethings will be waiting 6 weeks for their first jab.

Nearly 1 in 4 of them nearly have their first already through other cohorts, they are running out of Cohort 1-8 to do.

Not using those doses is not a big deal come July. There is more than enough supply. The J&J timing and restriction is an irritant though.

That’s fair enough but it then leaves a big question mark come July when there could be 500k AZ and J&J vaccines that no longer have any purpose as the people they are available to are already vaccinated and thus will kick the can further down the road.

I can’t see the 50-60 bracket getting a massive dent this month but it will give a good medium term plan for June. I say the portal will open for 30+ throughout the month to facilitate this planning. If I’m correct this is a good move from the hse. There will be a good chunk of overlap with at risk people in those brackets already done.

We are seeing the wood between the trees now

Exactly. They are flying through the age brackets, most likely because there are so many in Cohort 4/7 anyway and also because of the ones that work in the HSE, which the HSE probably undercounted. Additionally I know of lots of late 60s who got theirs as part of the over 70s rollout. I’m sure the “100%” of over 70s that the ECDC have down is incorrect, probably undercounting the denominator but also wrongly assigned ages.

I believe there are only a couple of more mass vaccination centres due to open next week- probably some stragglers there.

Alan Kelly said 220k over 60s hadn’t registered last week and it was concerning. I’m sure there are those wary and also luddites, but 220k is not far off 50% of 60-69 in Ireland. Other half of them have got it by today anyway…the people haven’t just forgotten to register.

No it won’t. Everyone who wants a first dose will have gotten it by the end of July.

We always had too many vaccines once supply got going.

I’m really not concerned about giving away vaccines at this point.

That 220k are selfish traitors. Us young people have sacrificed a year to save their lives from this deadly disease. Our lives will be burdened with the debt of the past year and their lifestyles of the boom 15 years ago.

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How so?

They have recommended AZ and J&J vaccines not to be given to under 50s.

Because the EU Commission state that 70% will be fully vaccinated by the end of July. 6m are due in by mid July.

Even if half a million are missing, there will be more than enough for anyone who wants a vaccine to get one.

I would guess 20% of the adult population will not take one here, whether that is through anti vaccine sentiment, laziness, health reasons or they got it elsewhere.

80% of adults with 2 doses is just shy of 6m. You could reduce that by 500k with J&J.

I don’t see 5.5m vaccines being achieved by the end of July - that is 13 weeks away.

I don’t see 4m vaccines being done in 13 weeks. It’s an avg of 310k per week from here until the close of July.

I think they said that in terms of first doses, not fully vaccinated.

I’m open to correction on that.