Vaccine Numbers Log Thread


I’d agree with that.

I would say vaccines for fit and healthy people under the age of 40 are a waste and arguably could have as much of negligible impact as anything.

However, the govt seem to be proposing restrictions being based on vaccination levels and I genuinely don’t see Ireland being in line with the UK in July. I think it will be Aug/Sep before Ireland are hitting 80% of the adult population.

I doubt anyone will get to 80%. Israel are struggling to get to 65%, they crossed 60% in early March. It looks like all of the EU is grouped closely around 25-28%. I’d say a realistic goal for the EU is 50% by early July.

Israel have probably 80% of adults done though.

According to this they have a huge youth population.

Effectively 28% of the population is under the age of 15.

They have 10.45m doses given which would represent 5.2m of their 6.6m population, that’s about 80% if you are looking at in a crude term of everyone having two doses. It’s likely more than 80% of adults who have had at least one dose.

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62s in Ennis this Thursday, 62s in kildare last Friday.

They are well through the 60s cohort in many areas seemingly

The UK numbers are seriously encouraging, they are basically licking each other here in squashed beer gardens all week and the numbers have continued downwards.

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Just having a look a proper look at this now.

I think you’re figures for Pfizer are a bit off.

737100 to end of March is correct as per the Department of Health publication.


Since then there have been 2 deliveries of 136890 and one delivery of 135720. Add in the 191800 for last week and you should get a total of 1338400. Your errors balanced out a bit to get you within 80 of what I make it :wink: We can add in the estimated delivery of 174900 ( 361530/2.067) which should be already in the country as of today to get a total of 1513300 doses of Pfizer delivered.

Moderna and AZ estimates look good to me.

The Janssen deliveries are tough to estimate based off one delivery. Belgium’s 36k vs 14400 for Ireland would suggest a factor of 2.50. If we apply that to the other delivery Ireland should have got about 12000. So 14000+12000 = 26400 doses of Janssen to date.

To conclude at this present moment in time at 7pm on May the 4th.

Totals delivered to date based on my calculations.

Pfizer - 1513300
Moderna - 185860
AZ - 566640
Janssen - 26400

Total = 2292200 doses delivered.

About another 32960 Moderna due in by the end of this week.

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Donnelly to consult with Niac over proposed changes in Covid-19 vaccine plan

HSE proposed plan envisages AZ and J&J vaccines being offered to under 50s

Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly is to consult with the State’s vaccines watchdog over proposed changes in the national Covid-19 immunisation plan.

The HSE submitted a plan to Government on Monday, which sticks to the age-based approach favoured by Government but envisages AstraZeneca and Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) vaccines being offered to the under 50s.

Advice from the National Immunisation Advisory Committee (Niac) currently recommends the vaccines should only be offered to the over 50s, but does allow for some exceptions. As reported by The Irish Times on Tuesday, the revised plan includes offering the two vaccines to people under 50 would not contravene the Niac recommendations.

A spokesman for Mr Donnelly said on Tuesday evening that the proposals were received on Monday night. “These proposals are now being reviewed by the Minister, who will consult further the [Chief Medical Officer] and Niac in the coming days”.


While the cabinet was updated on the vaccine rollout today, the revised plan was not brought for discussion or approval by the Government, it is understood. Last week Niac opened up eligibility for the AstraZeneca and J&J vaccines to the over 50s, but it was feared that due to the delivery schedules associated, many of those newly eligible for the vaccines could have received a different jab by the time substantial shipments arrived, rendering them useless.

The HSE considered doling out available Pfizer and Moderna shots to those under 50 and asking people in their 50s to await the AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson deliveries, but to do so would depart from the age-based plan. It could also have seen those in their 50s awaiting a shot for longer than anticipated, if there were delivery delays.

Instead, in a bid to avoid wasted vaccines, the plan is to offer them to the under 50s as well.

The headline recommendation for both vaccines is they should be offered to the over-50s only. But some exceptions have been sketched out.

Two-dose course

On April 29th, Niac wrote that when a two-dose course of an mRNA vaccine is “not a feasible alternative” for people aged from 18-49 the J&J vaccine “can be considered”.

Earlier in April, Niac told the CMO that AstraZeneca could be used in adults aged under 60 “where the benefits clearly outweigh the risk… and the person has made an informed decision based on an understanding of the risks and benefits”. The more recent letter, which also included advice on AstraZeneca, doesn’t reiterate this advice, and it’s not clear which takes primacy.

Opposition figures believe there is a push on to use the Johnson and Johnson vaccine in particular to the greatest extent possible. “It seems to me the HSE are pushing to get as much J&J used as possible, and it seems to me a sensible solution,” says Labour leader Alan Kelly.

It’s a view shared by Sinn Féin’s health spokesman, David Cullinane. “Niac have made the recommendation and the Government have accepted that, but there is flexibility in it and it’s important for the HSE to avail of those flexibilities.”

Lash it out

We’re sucking diesel lads

17226 doses added in to the system after Monday.

That’s a baseball bat to the throat of front line workers.

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Pfizer have updated their forecast to $26bn in vaccine sales for 2021.

Good luck to them. They deserve it for what they have achieved. I hope the ceo gets a massive bonus.


Wait, someones paying for this? :eek:

Why won’t the HSE let pharmacists vaccinate ?

Ideally you wouldn’t a pandemic either or continuous lockdown.


Their inter Cert results were not good enough

You needed 6 hundert in the Leaving Cert to do pharmacy when I was a lad.

Is it gone to shit now