Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Their leaving cert wasn’t good enough to get into medicine.

Exactly, I mentioned this a few weeks back.


In normal times Irish people don’t get sick outside of 9-5 Monday to Friday. HSE can hardly be expected to adjust for a global pandemic that’ll likely be over in 5 years max anyway.

60-69 have grown from 42% to 52% with done dose from close of play last Thursday to Monday evening. Two weeks ago just 18% had their first dose- 35% growth.

84% of all doses went to that age bracket last week, this is up from 45% of all doses from the prior week. Thus they received around 134k of all first doses last week (depending on the proportion of those that were second doses, would be a portion).

You would expect another week like that for this week, given the number of AZ that came in and are set to be dished out. A higher number of total vaccines are set to be given out this week but even a similar number ~130k would give you at least 25% of over 60s, bringing up close to 80%.

This is why I’m quite confident that the mass vaccination portion of over 60s will end early next week with likely a few appointments throughout late next week and natural stragglers/anti vaxxers left.

It’s clear why “220k” were unregistered and it’s also clear why the over 50s portal opened yesterday. I fully expect them to start getting jabs in the next couple of weeks, possibly even towards the weekend after this.

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Egghead said in an interview this morning that "pharmacists would be getting more involved " over the next few weeks.

What’s your estimate for 40-49 year olds getting the jab?

I’d say by the June bank holiday, probably at the latest.

Seems to be really how Cohort 7 goes. There could be some pretty widespread queue jumping if you were inclined that way.


1513300-174900 ( This weeks delivery) = 1338400 Pfizer up to Sunday. Off by 80 doses
Moderna estimate off my 140 doses.
AZ estimate off by 640 doses.
Janssen estimate spot on.

Altogether I was out by 860 doses.

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The boys are on board. Tony wants pints.

175k on Monday plus another 33k from Moderna towards the end of the week?

What’s the visibility on the rest of the month?

Anybody seeing a doctor regularly seems to be in Cohort 7. No harm. There’ll be no squabble about queue jumping until international travel reopens and the vaccine is a gating item for that.

That would probably be for June/July when they are expecting to dish out 3.5m in 8/9 weeks?

Does this include revised Pfizer numbers @Copper_pipe?

Cohort 7 = Hypochondriacs.


For Belgium

Week beginning the 10th

174900 Pfizer
32960 Moderna
30770 AZ

Week beginning the 17th AND Week beginning the 24th
176040 Pfizer
32960 Moderna

193260 AZ over the same 2 weeks as above.

Nothing on Janssen yet

Week beginning the 31st
354900 Pfizer
32960 Moderna

So around 3.175m not including the 31st or additional J&J.

Over/under 2.75m for May, for me. Depends on how deliveries look on May 31st though I guess.

The reliability of AZ as always in question.

A 30yo friend of mine with haemochromotosis got prioritised for Pfizer. My 67 year old dad with the same condition wasn’t prioritised by his GP.

What likelihood is there for 40-50s getting the one shot of J&j ?

Not sure.

I’d say if we get some more J&J this month, it will be the younger 50s that end up getting it. Over 100k were due this month but is up in the air now.

Big delivery is also due late June.

Given that, I’d guess unlikely for the vast majority, not withstanding that they need to clear it wilt NIAC. Maybe the younger 40 band.

They might also hold some of that J&J from this month not used on vulnerable groups to use on the hard to reach 60 year olds that won’t come to the vaccination centres.

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The Health Service Executive has invited 57-year-olds to register for Covid-19 vaccination appointments through its online portal or its HSE Live phone line from today.

More than 80,000 people aged 58 and 59 registered over the past two days.

Meanwhile, the first doses of the single shot Johnson and Johnson vaccine will be administered through homeless services in Dublin today.

Seven hundred doses of the single-shot Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine were distributed to a clinic in Dublin city centre yesterday to vaccinate medically vulnerable people residing in homeless and related services from today.

The HSE already has just over 26,000 doses of the vaccine in stock, with another 75,000 due in the next two weeks, but today will be the first time this single shot vaccine will be administered to the public.

Other vulnerable and hard to reach groups likely to receive the Johnson & Johnson vaccine include the Roma Community, Travellers, people living in direct provision, people with addictions, and people in prison.