Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

They prevent infection and sterilize you. Win win


Will it take long for their mickeys to fall off or how does it work?

I thought he backed down from the conspiracy theories after Speaker for the right wing last year?

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Still a fair bit of work to do so on the 60s.

They’ll get them finished next week.

They’re planning to finish the over 60s dose 1.
Start the dose 2 for the over 70s.
Start on the over 50s dose 1.

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Germany says AZ can now be used for everyone.

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The ECDC have 270k first doses given to over 60s, of a population of 481k (which is more or less what the HSE have), up to Tuesday evening. That’s 56%. HSE have only 200k doses issued in the above analysis.

Paul Reid says 46k doses given out yesterday.

134k Mon- Thursday

Suggests a big day for Friday- 50k+?

Don’t follow this thread much but is anyone surprised how hard it is to find a well publisised link on how to register for the vaccine?

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is it hard? The first search in google brings you to the HSE page where it give information and has the link to register. it doesnt seem hard at all

Ah yea, I found it alright. I was just surprised at how hard it was to find it.

Are they afraid of an onslaught or something?

I suppose I was expecting the lead story on the Irish news websites would be:


…every day.

Perhaps hard was the wrong word. Limited publicity might have been better.

There seems to be a huge variance across the country.

From the people I’ve heard of this week Tipp still seem to be dealing with the mid-high 60s. Whereas I know of people who are just turned 60 who have appointments to get it in Limerick next week.

What if you turn age XX on the following day?