Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

This is an obvious problem.

Good to see you have finally relented to the obvious and my work has succeeded.

I was obviously only enquiring for a friend. :mask:

It takes your full date of birth, RSI number and needs a mobile number, Eir Code and email as well.
It says at the end that you need to turn up with DOB ID and if your details don’t match up, then you’re out.

It says you’ll be contacted in the next few weeks, so they’d have to show some flexibility I suppose.

Of course you are the lad who couldn’t book a flight on the Ryanair website ffs.


Monday to Wednesday - 95891


Tis more of a slight incline than a ramp really


Add in the 46k for yesterday and we’ll be at around 142k. Friday and Saturday should be off the chain.

What’s the target this week?

Around 200k?

50k a day for the seven days should be a very realistic target. But we are slow getting there. Most of the people I know who needed one have one now. So tis all equal to me really

And as per the ECDC, in the space of one day the over 60s went from 56% to 60% vaccinated.

And to illustrate the other Cohort impacts on age categories, the ECDC now have 289k over 60s vaccinated, the previously day was 270k, so an increase of 19k. The portal only has 17k new vaccinated over 60s in the cohort. We are eeking out a couple more thousand daily that aren’t getting picked up.

Between 220k and 240k

Its marginally improving, but its way behind what was being said ages back. My mam booked just over two weeks back and got a text yesterday to go to Waterford tomorrow. In fairness, Waterford is as close, if not closer than Eniscorthy anyway, but if they are doing in that manner, then their centres need to be better placed to handle the quantity. It seems that some places are out the door and cant handle numbers, and others are relatively quiet. They did their centres on a county basis, but seem to be doing the appointments not on a county basis.

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Ya the in laws were to be called to Arklow, but they haven’t it up and running yet, so they are sending people to Greystones and Enniscorthy from Mid/South Wicklow instead, which I’d imagine is fucking all those places up in their scheduling

Apparently people were turned away from the Helix yesterday.

They had appointments, showed up but had no vaccines left.

not like the HSE to make something relatively straight forward and simple more complicated.

I mean, they are only getting past the whole date of birth and what day you can register shambles and now this too.


I was trying to explain to ye old goats how ye could save over €20 each by just sitting apart but ye all have far too much money to even care about the finer details.

@glasagusban what do you think of this? Considering the Chinese vaccines have been proven to be a cod. WHO have had a terrible pandemic.

@Copper_pipe is it the sinovac or sinopharm vaccine having all the trouble in South America?

Sinovac is the one being used in Chile.

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They haven’t, the sinovac is passable. Bit it takes 9 weeks to have effect. That’s caused big problems in Serbia and in Chile cause people don’t wait the nine weeks.

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I’ll stick with the reliables we have atm. More than enough in the supply pipeline

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You’re making great sense these days :joy: