Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Maybe I’m wrong? I dunno after my Internet comedown

142268 - Monday to Thursday

Total doses given up by 52278 after Friday.

194546 for Monday to Friday

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Still won’t hit the magical 250k a week marker?

Next week for that.

My mother (68) got hers the week it started. Think it was the Wednesday (they started on the Monday/Tuesday). In Naynagh.

HSE pushes for lower age limits on single-shot Johnson & Johnson Covid vaccine

The HSE has proposed reducing the age limit for the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) vaccine from 50 to 45 years of age, which would further speed up the vaccination rollout next month, according to government sources.

In a submission to the Department of Health last week Paul Reid, the HSE chief executive, sought greater flexibility in using the more than 400,000 single-shot J&J vaccines which are due for delivery in June. By then, most of the over-50s will have been fully or partially vaccinated.

The National Immunisation Advisory Council (Niac) will issue advice this week on whether the limit can be reduced to include over-45s, or even everyone aged in their forties.

Yesterday Stephen Donnelly, the health minister, announced the removal of Italy and Austria from the mandatory hotel quarantine (MHQ) list. Donnelly said the EU member states would be among 11 countries taken off the list on Wednesday, but France, Belgium and Luxembourg remain designated along with America, Canada, India and South Africa.

Bosnia-Herzegovina and Ukraine are among the other nations being removed from MHQ, but international travellers from these non-designated states must still produce a negative pre-departure test and observe “home quarantine” after arriving in Ireland.

Reid has said the HSE plan submitted last week to the Department of Health and Tony Holohan, the chief medical officer, was designed “to continue to progress the vaccination programme in a safe manner and at pace”. He addedL “[It] maximises the usage of all available vaccines . . . as we progress through May and June, and facilitates the utilisation of the community pharmacy sector.”

Holohan has written to Niac seeking further advice on the use of J&J and AstraZeneca on under-50s because he is optimistic that “the great majority” of over-50s will have been protected by vaccination in early June.

He said: “We need to then determine what our next priorities will be in respect of the use of vaccine for the under-50s. We keep all the evidence under review in respect of changes in both experience and published evidence internationally around vaccines.”

One source familiar with the HSE submission to the Department of Health said the health service is proposing to use J&J but not AstraZeneca on the over-45s once the over-50s have been inoculated.

He said: “The Niac advice last month was that in circumstances ‘where a two dose mRNA [vaccine] is not feasible’, Janssen can be used for the over-40s. There is a gap there and the HSE is seeking to go through it.

“Their submission is that mRNA vaccines are preferable for the under-50s when they are available, but they won’t be available for everyone remaining in the vaccine queue when the over-50s are vaccinated in June. So they want Niac to give the green light for use in the over-45s at that time.”

The same proposal has not been made in relation to AstraZeneca, the other “vector vaccine” approved for use in Ireland, mainly because lower levels of supply are expected in June.

HSE officials are hoping their submission to use J&J on over-45s may lead to a wider loosening of the Niac guidance.

Sources pointed to the decision by the normally conservative German health authorities last week to remove the 60-year age limit on AstraZeneca, making it available to all adults, as a sign of a general liberalisation of the rules on vector vaccines.

Britain, on the other hand, has moved to restrict the use of AstraZeneca. Its joint committee on vaccination and immunisation recommended people under the age of 40 should be offered an alternative jab. The age limit had previously been set at 30.

Just over 40,000 J&J vaccines have been delivered to Ireland to date. Reid says the HSE hoped to vaccinate between 250,000 and 270,000 people this week, but that target has been thrown into doubt after J&J said it would only be able to deliver 15,000 doses instead of the scheduled 75,000.

As of Thursday, almost two thirds of people aged 65 to 69 had received their first vaccination, while a further 15 per cent have appointments. The portal for that age cohort to register for vaccination opened on April 15. About one in five in the 60 to 64 age cohort have now received their first vaccination, while another 9 per cent have appointments. Their registration portal opened on April 23.

The National Public Health Emergency Team said yesterday it had been notified of one further death from Covid-19 and 408 confirmed cases of the disease. The number of patients in ICU dropped by one to 33.

They took 81 J&J out of people. Good going that.

The reality is anyone in their 50s can register whenever they want… But you will be called based on age rather than timing of registration

Yer mans bot needs a tweak id say.


Here are the cameras now, open your top button taoiseach you need to appeal to the everyman


I must ask ROD can he get me one of those Government facemasks.

Thats a MM lookalike getting the vaccine. The mask is because people could tell otherwise. None of the elite are sterilising themselves


Sputnik Light hits the market. One shot, bang



tenor (18)

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Champ was rocking a nice short sleeved shirt for his vaccination in fairness.

Is it really being done by age? A heap of people from my townland down home getting the jab today in Limerick and they’re all different ages.

Probably fall into the below cohorts

  • people aged 16 to 69 who are at very high risk (group 4)
  • people aged 65 to 69, including those at high risk (group 5 and 6)
  • people aged 16 to 64 who are at high risk (group 7)

The timing of this doesn’t make sense to me.

Unless they hold back the J&J supply due in the next couple of weeks, there shouldn’t be that much available by early June. J&J’s supply is predicted to be coming in the back end of June. Unless they move down the ages and start them before the 45-49, not sure how the timing works on this. In fairness, I’d imagine most in that age bracket would be happy enough to wait a couple of weeks and be one and done.