Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

I’ve been right all along. You’ve been promising this for months and you’ve been wrong for months.

I told you we would get to 250k per week very soon. You denied this would happen and kept referring to past numbers which were irrelevant.

When we hit 250k per week will you admit that you were wrong?

When people are flying off for their holidays around Europe this summer will you admit that you were wrong?



You told us months back it was happening every week.

You have got it wrong consistently for months. I have been proven right consistently for months.

We’re in summer.

People aren’t flying for their holidays.

More lies. Why do you always have to make up lies in simple discussions?

I’m not lying but you are.

You can try to suppress me with inaccurate slurs but I can substantiate my claims and show you for the nasty little piece of work you are.

You tried to pedal the same slur yesterday but ran off when I produced this.

That’s the type of guy you are. Entitled, self-centred, unconscionable and dishonest.

Any of ye lazy cunts ring in sick this morning with "back to work anxiety " ?

How are we vs the EU average at the moment?

Slightly behind I’d say. I’ll confirm tomorrow. Looks like the EU will have close to 21m done last week

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How much is the Irish figure likely to be this week?

200k? More?

Between 260k and 270k


You’d expect that “fresh” doses (eg 1st or J&J) will fall slightly. I think we were 171k from Monday to Saturday so with Sunday likely over 180k by a decent bit. I still reckon they can do 180k fresh doses over the next two weeks but the AZ reserves are nearly gone.

This will be another transition week but they should still hit another record with all the second doses.

Look they’ve more or less everyone that needed to be done sorted by now. Into the over 50s next week will get us through those with a slight chance of getting very sick and then we’ll be done basically. So it won’t really matter a fuck

Got sorted there today. No superpowers yet but I’m still hopeful.

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They’ve shortened the gap between AZ jabs to five weeks for people getting the first jab next week. But not for those who got AZ up to this week which doesn’t make sense. The way it’s going here you can ring up in the morning and get a slot same day.

They appear to be still horsing out the AZ in some centres. Seems they might be risking AZ’s delivery scheduled for those second doses.

FDA authorizes Pfizer vaccine for 12-15 year olds, based on 100% efficacy in the clinical trial and no safety isues.

It’s realistically the only way they meet their first dose commitments.