Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Sundays figures are in.

Total doses now at 1848747 which is up 21137 compared to Saturday.

Total doses Monday to Sunday - 244103


I’ll take that.

As near to 250k in a week as makes no difference.

Hardly raised a ripple in this thread. Can you imagine the shrieking if they’d missed it badly?

Another win.

its a win on their much reduced targets. In January, Donnelly claimed 700,000 would be fully vaccinated by the end of March. We still havent reached that target.

On the 30th March, Micheal Martin said that there would be 3 million administered by the end of May. That leaves 3 weeks to do about 1.2m vaccinations. By all manners they are falling well short on their initial predictions. For the first 4 or 5 weeks we were constantly being told we were higher than the EU average and up there with the best. Conveniently, these stats have not been mentioned once from February onwards.

Its certainly improving, but I’d hardly be singing their praises that it took them about 2 months longer to get their shit together. The figures we are at now are what they said would happen through March. Yeah its great to see it now, but its still falling well short of where we were told it would be and where it needs to be.


Would you say that the failed/reduced deliveries and repeated changing of the process and pauses in relation to the uses of AZ and J&J would account for that?

A lots happened since January.

They have about 500k vaccines in storage and rising. You tell me.

CP, are the below 60s on a 16 week gap on AZ? I saw it mentioned before but the HSE have confused the communications. It would make some sense on why they are still firing out first doses of AZ.

They revised that to 2.5m a few weeks ago. I’d say they will end up splitting the difference and getting to 2.75m.

Would it account for us being behind most other EU countries in the exact same predicament?

Anyway. We are picking up speed now. They just need to keep rolling

Seems to be more or less updated to Sunday night now by the ECDC, delta of 5k doses on the portal figures

It’s a contributory factor, absolutely. But its also not the only factor. Plus, who are the ones pausing the process and changing the ages? Thats down to NIAC and NPHET, THE HSE and the government. Its not like its an external factor dictating to us. The global stoppage, yes, and shortfall of supply, yes all factors. But far from being the only factors.

As I said, we were top of the table with the EU and that was one thing you mentioned a bit back in early spring. But now we are below average across the EU.

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Explains it. They have very few second doses to do before the month is out so. Less than 10k.

Exactly. The numbers hit in May and June are going to wipe out all the minor delays.

Only 55k or so AZ vaccines left as of close of Sunday.

Minor delays?

That’s fine. They need very few for second doses this month going by the above.

33k more in this week, the same the week after. Big delivery then. They can truck along with 35k first doses a week for the next fortnight at least. More than enough to keep up with 180k or so first doses as they draw down reserve Pfizer and Moderna stock.

I haven’t looked at it in a good while but it’s eems to me the EU average is extremely tightly bunched and there is fuck all in it. You’re correct that our health officials have made the decision to slow it down, some countries ploughed on with AZ etc, or didn’t limit its use, or increased gaps between doses of some vaccines and that will have edged them ahead I suppose. Some will just have better infrastructure already in place that will help it go faster. In the end when we’re hitting big numbers there’ll be nothing between us and any others for a finish date.