Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

The HSE appear to have a deliberate “momentum” builder strategy now. I’d prefer that they didn’t but it is quite marginal in terms of the risk profile on the people they are vaccinating at the moment.

The EU did 22.7m last week. Ireland 245k.

EU avg pro rata with Ireland was 249k.

The EU average would be a bit skewed also by Hungary. I think Hungary has the highest % of population vaccinated at least once and by a decent amount too but Hungary have been making use of the Sputnik vaccine and the Sinopharm vaccine.

Hearing of people in the high 50’s with appointments for the MVC in Limerick today.


They still haven’t figured out where Norway got all the vaccines from :grinning:

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That is correct. Two 59s of my acquaintance had appointments last evening and this morning.
About time one of them came in to work and takes some off the burden off me :grin:

yeah I get that. But with all their bullshit rhetoric with regards to the slaps in the faces of health care workers and our grandparents and old people dying from covid, the fact that they make no acknowledgement that slow roll out is costing lives grates at me. yes, its great that it is ramping up and the death rate is falling, but no one is willing to tell them had they increased it sooner, lives potentially could have been saved. A small point really, but when they keep telling us the next two weeks is critical and we need to do more, the same should be applied back on them too.

Ultimately, it is improving and that is good. But it is still below where it should be going on their own metrics. So I’ll be holding off on my praise for them just yet.


You’re preaching to the converted I think NPHET have been a shower of assholes for much of the last year. But people keep saying the vaccine rollout has been a fiasco, or predicting it will be. So far, that’s not true, we are doing a decent job of it.

The big numbers hit this and next month are going to be completely transformative and then we’re practically out of the thing, we are nearly there.

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More lies.

I’d be in between both assessments there you describe. I dont believe it has been a fiasco, yes there have been issues and I personally believe its been slow and the fact there are still centres not open is farcical. But by and large, its getting done.

However I wouldnt call it a decent job either, for the reasons above. It’s been the wrong side of average for me, a 4 (four) out of 10 performance. Plenty of room for improvement and I think the sluggish start to the rollout could have been well avoided. Impossible application forms and looking for leaving cert results for qualified nurses just adds to the frustration and bullshit of it all.

I’ll be glad to see the numbers steadily increase, but it should be higher than where it is. I do think it will improve, they are very, very slowly showing they can hit reasonably large numbers.

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what goebbelsesque bullshit

Clearly. That being said while the first wasn’t within their control the second was. I’d still think the juries out - May and June can be blockbuster months - which would recover some of the slippage.

The envy of Europe once again

Lovely stuff. They should be done with mass vaccination of that cohort by the end of May now I’d say. Thought maybe it would stretch into the first few days of June but the dosing interval on AZ opens up more vaccines than I thought.

The HSE will have to open up another cohort on the portal results from tomorrow so.

What does this mean effectively?

Anyone jabbed with AZ Feb-March is now on a 16 week interval for their second jab?

Tony’s fear index is the envy of Europe

Norwegians making their own stuff or what?

Only those under 60. I make it that they need 8k second doses this month and a further 82k next month now. Previously thought it was around 60k for this month and a further 110k next.

Gives them a lot more latitude, they can basically chug along with 35k/40k fresh doses over the next fortnight for both weeks. So of the remaining 230k due in, they can give out a further around 150k to over 50s and keep enough in reserve for June second shots. It makes a bit more sense now why they are pushing for J&J to go to 45-49, they might even start them off before the end of May with some of those stocks.

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There’s talks the EU will not renew the contract with AZ post June.