Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

They’ll fulfill what they were supposed to though so they’ll keep coming in for a while I’d say. Needed for second doses.

182,500 was the no of Pfizer vaccines received last week.

As of Sunday, a total of 483,271 vaccines were sitting in a fridge at close of Sunday.

Belgium received their vaccine shipment yesterday which was the same figure as last week. So probably a safe guess to say a further 182,500 vaccines were received in today or yesterday.

I’d say it’s probably accurate to say it’s there should be >600k vaccines in a fridge today.

Around 400k of that is Pfizer.

2nd shot of Pfitzer today. I’d do some damage in the Abbey Bar if the bloody thing was open. We go again…


I’d say Covid would have given u a swerve anyway.

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FYI fulvio

When did they change it to 16 weeks?

I’m waiting on a second dose of AZ and I won’t be one bit happy if I’m waiting that long. I want my vaccine passport ASAP.

How big are these jaysusing fridges??They must be the big American double door ones

Any update on your magic number thingy.

I’ll do it tomorrow.

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The Indo have edited this article and added the following note at the end :sweat_smile:

CORRECTION: This article has been amended to remove incorrect information that the Cabinet was to decide today whether the 28-day gap between vaccine doses could be widened further

Christ do you need the 2 for the passport? Bastards

HSE correcting category errors in vaccine rollout

Figures show that less than 1% of people deemed to be in the high-risk Group 7 for Covid-19 have received a vaccine so far.

The Health Service Executive said that vaccination of this group, estimated to be 300,000 people aged 16-59 years, will be completed by the end of May or early June.

People in Group 7 are at high risk of developing severe disease if they catch Covid-19 due to underlying conditions.

Latest figures show that by Sunday, 2,780 people in this group had been given a dose of vaccine, representing less than 1% of the group total.

People in this group are being vaccinated by hospitals or GPs.

The HSE also said it appeared likely that some people in Group 7 may have been categorised incorrectly in the computer system as being in Group 4 when they got their first dose.

Group 4, which is for those at more risk than Group 7, is showing in excess of 110% vaccination.

The HSE said that these category errors are being corrected at the second dose and that a HSE Data Quality Team is working to correctly code people on an ongoing basis.

When people return for their second dose, staff are being reminded on the system to correctly categorise people.

The HSE also said that its priority is to administer vaccines to those in Group 4, and that it has moved on to Group 7.

The plan is to administer up to 60,000 vaccines to very high-risk and high-risk groups this week.

I knew it!!

Another tfk exclusive

A new week in the vaccine rollout.

33888 doses added in to the system after Monday. 28792 (85%) of these were first doses.

20k AZ went out. 16k to 60s and 4k to the 50s. Mass vaccination figures for the 50s should start being reported now.

I see also that 4k first doses of the total Pfizer first doses of 7k went to the 50s - interested to know whether that was apart of Cohort 7 or the age range or both.

Useful link @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

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It’s almost like he’s aped the Belgian dashboard. :slight_smile:

Uncle and his wife - both 55 - registered on the portal and have their appointments this Friday and Saturday respectively.

We’re flying it.

By the end of July there’ll be no justification for most restrictions.

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